Vineyard management and its impacts on soil biodiversity, functions, and ecosystem services
Healthy soils form the basis of sustainable viticulture, where soil characteristics have a direct
impact on wine quantity and quality. Soil not only provides water and nutrients to vines, but …
impact on wine quantity and quality. Soil not only provides water and nutrients to vines, but …
[HTML][HTML] Soil arthropods in the douro demarcated region vineyards: General characteristics and ecosystem services provided
Viticulture is one of the oldest and most profitable forms of agriculture; it is also one of the
most intensive farming systems. As intensive cultivation threatens the environment, there is …
most intensive farming systems. As intensive cultivation threatens the environment, there is …
Vegetation increases abundances of ground and canopy arthropods in Mediterranean vineyards
The decline of arthropod populations observed in many parts of the world is a major
component of the sixth mass extinction with intensive agriculture being one of its main …
component of the sixth mass extinction with intensive agriculture being one of its main …
[HTML][HTML] Conventional agricultural management negatively affects soil fauna abundance, soil physicochemical quality and multifunctionality
Agricultural intensification is one of the major drivers of biodiversity decline and the losses of
its functions in the soil. For soil health and sustainability planning, it is important to …
its functions in the soil. For soil health and sustainability planning, it is important to …
Ecological responses to hydrological connectivity in grassland riparian zones: Insights from vegetation and ground-dwelling arthropods
Riparian wetlands have suffered from degradation due to global climate change and human
activities, which can alter flora and fauna community patterns and disrupt material cycles in …
activities, which can alter flora and fauna community patterns and disrupt material cycles in …
Influences of conservation tillage on soil macrofaunal biodiversity and trophic structure in the Mollisol region of Northeast China
Tillage regimes directly impact soil disturbance and crop residue levels in the field,
subsequently affecting soil macrofauna abundance and diversity, crucial for maintaining soil …
subsequently affecting soil macrofauna abundance and diversity, crucial for maintaining soil …
Soil arthropod community responses to restoration in areas impacted by iron mining tailings deposition after Fundão dam failure
In 2015, the failure of the Fundão dam in Mariana, Brazil released~ 43 million m3 of iron
mining tailings into the environment. Despite restoration initiatives in the following years, few …
mining tailings into the environment. Despite restoration initiatives in the following years, few …
Pest control in organic farming
Organic farming is an environmental-friendly farming system that produces food based on
the ecological balance of ecosystems, preventing soil fertility decline or pest problems. It is a …
the ecological balance of ecosystems, preventing soil fertility decline or pest problems. It is a …
[HTML][HTML] Below-ground arthropod diversity in conventional and organic vineyards: A review
Viticulture is one of the most important agricultural sectors in the Mediterranean area but
also the one with substantial impact on the soil ecosystem. Some of the most common …
also the one with substantial impact on the soil ecosystem. Some of the most common …
Ground vegetation covers increase grape yield and must quality in Mediterranean organic vineyards despite variable effects on vine water deficit and nitrogen status
In the context of a warming climate and widespread soil degradation, successful soil
management practices in Mediterranean vineyards should combine environmental (eg, soil …
management practices in Mediterranean vineyards should combine environmental (eg, soil …