Portfolio rebalancing model using multiple criteria

JR Yu, WY Lee - European Journal of Operational Research, 2011 - Elsevier
In order to achieve greater flexibility in portfolio selection, transaction cost, short selling and
higher moments should be considered, and actual transactions should be reflected. In this …

Possibilistic moment models for multi-period portfolio selection with fuzzy returns

YJ Liu, WG Zhang - Computational economics, 2019 - Springer
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of higher moments on multi-period portfolio
selection with fuzzy returns. This paper gives the definitions of possibilistic mean and …

Portfolio selection strategy for fixed income markets with immunization on average

S Ortobelli, S Vitali, M Cassader, T Tichý - Annals of Operations Research, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, we develop a portfolio optimization method to maximize the performance of a
fixed income portfolio. To achieve this aim, we define a two-step optimization problem where …

On the yield curve and the performance of some popular fixed-income strategies

KP Kung, Q Liu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
This study takes a comprehensive and unified approach to investigating the yield curve.
Specifically, we begin from scratch with the derivation of a formula for the yield curve within …

Real Estate in Liability-Driven Investment: The Case of US Pension Funds

L Johner, M Hoesli - Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper examines the role of real estate in US pension portfolios, considering various
funding ratios and liability durations. It also investigates the composition of the real estate …

[PDF][PDF] Determination of continuous shifts in the term structure of interest rates against which a bond portfolio is immunized

LS Zaremba, G Rządkowski - Control and Cybernetics, 2016 - bibliotekanauki.pl
In this paper we identify those shifts (continuous functions) of the term structure of interest
rates, against which a given bond portfolio (BP) is immunized. The set of such shifts (IMMU) …

The performance of deterministic and stochastic interest rate risk measures: Another Question of Dimensions?

L Oliveira, JP Vidal Nunes, L Malcato - Portuguese Economic Journal, 2014 - Springer
The efficiency of traditional and stochastic interest rate risk measures is compared under
one-, two-, and three-factor no-arbitrage Gauss-Markov term structure models, and for …

La estructura temporal de los tipos de interés: estrategias de negociación en renta fija

J Andrada-Félix, A Fernández-Pérez… - Cuadernos de …, 2014 - Elsevier
En este trabajo ofrecemos una visión general y actualizada sobre diferentes estrategias de
negociación en activos de renta fija que hacen uso de la estructura temporal de tipos de …

[PDF][PDF] Model Risk in Bond Portfolio Hedging

V Lapshin - Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP …, 2022 - wp.hse.ru
Empirically testing a bond portfolio hedging model is usually carried out when proposing a
new model or to compare several existing models using real data. However, there are many …

[PDF][PDF] Firefly Algorithm (FA) for solving extended fuzzy portfolio selection problem

K Salehi - International journal of industrial engineering and …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Portfolio selection deals with the problem of allocating one's capital to a large number of
securities to meet investor's satisfaction. The earliest work in this field is due to Markowitz …