[HTML][HTML] ComTech: Towards a unified taxonomy of persuasive techniques for persuasive technology design
K Oyibo - Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
Few development taxonomies of persuasive techniques that unify the key disciplines
involved in the design of persuasive technology have been proposed. With most prior …
involved in the design of persuasive technology have been proposed. With most prior …
A gradual approach for maximising user conversion without compromising experience with high visual intensity website elements
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a method that can gradually find a
sweet spot between user experience and visual intensity of website elements to maximise …
sweet spot between user experience and visual intensity of website elements to maximise …
A conceptual model of interactive persuasive learning system for elderly to encourage computer-based learning process
Over the past few years, new and improved learning techniques and technologies have
been introduced. Among them, interactive media holds a lot of potential in learning. This …
been introduced. Among them, interactive media holds a lot of potential in learning. This …
Systematic Literature Review on Persuasive System Design Framework for Managing Curriculum Performance
Integrating digital resources into educational assessment has led to the widespread
adoption of e-portfolios as tools for documenting and evaluating student achievement …
adoption of e-portfolios as tools for documenting and evaluating student achievement …
Discovering design principles for persuasive systems: a grounded theory and text mining approach
Persuasive systems aim to change users' behavior and lifestyle. These systems have been
gaining popularity with the proliferation of wearable devices and recent advances in …
gaining popularity with the proliferation of wearable devices and recent advances in …
The Architecture of an Information System for Public Relations via Mobile Application Using In-Depth User Experience for Proactive Perception of Information.
The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) To study, analyze, synthesize documents
and researches related to the architecture of an information system for public relations via …
and researches related to the architecture of an information system for public relations via …
The negative impact of visual web advertising content on cognitive process: towards quantitative evaluation
Web user experience is an important relatively new field of study. The impact of marketing
content and its visual characteristics on perceived intrusiveness is one sub-field which …
content and its visual characteristics on perceived intrusiveness is one sub-field which …
Information System for Public Relations via Mobile Application Using In-Depth User Experience According to Education Experts.
The information system for public relations via mobile application (PPSTC system) is
considered a tool to promote public relations and information perception in digital age based …
considered a tool to promote public relations and information perception in digital age based …
Reputation model based on rating data and application in recommender systems
AJ Abdel-Hafez - 2016 - eprints.qut.edu.au
This thesis introduced two novel reputation models to generate accurate item reputation
scores using ratings data and the statistics of the dataset. It also presented an innovative …
scores using ratings data and the statistics of the dataset. It also presented an innovative …
EcoBot: study design and development of a persuasive FSM-free Chatbot for energy saving
F Milano - 2023 - diva-portal.org
This study presents the development and evaluation of a conversational agent, EcoBot,
designed to inform users about their energy habits and persuade them to save more energy …
designed to inform users about their energy habits and persuade them to save more energy …