[HTML][HTML] ComTech: Towards a unified taxonomy of persuasive techniques for persuasive technology design

K Oyibo - Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
Few development taxonomies of persuasive techniques that unify the key disciplines
involved in the design of persuasive technology have been proposed. With most prior …

A gradual approach for maximising user conversion without compromising experience with high visual intensity website elements

J Jankowski, J Hamari, J Wątróbski - Internet Research, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a method that can gradually find a
sweet spot between user experience and visual intensity of website elements to maximise …

A conceptual model of interactive persuasive learning system for elderly to encourage computer-based learning process

AN Zulkifli, NM Noor, JAA Bakar… - … on Informatics and …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Over the past few years, new and improved learning techniques and technologies have
been introduced. Among them, interactive media holds a lot of potential in learning. This …

Systematic Literature Review on Persuasive System Design Framework for Managing Curriculum Performance

ST Saifunnizam, MFM Fudzee, MH Jofri, S Kasim… - … : International Journal on …, 2025 - joiv.org
Integrating digital resources into educational assessment has led to the widespread
adoption of e-portfolios as tools for documenting and evaluating student achievement …

Discovering design principles for persuasive systems: a grounded theory and text mining approach

M Al-Ramahi, O El-Gayar, J Liu - 2016 49th Hawaii …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Persuasive systems aim to change users' behavior and lifestyle. These systems have been
gaining popularity with the proliferation of wearable devices and recent advances in …

The Architecture of an Information System for Public Relations via Mobile Application Using In-Depth User Experience for Proactive Perception of Information.

S Jularlark, P Chatwattana, P Piriyasurawong - Journal of Education and …, 2021 - ERIC
The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) To study, analyze, synthesize documents
and researches related to the architecture of an information system for public relations via …

The negative impact of visual web advertising content on cognitive process: towards quantitative evaluation

A Lewandowska, J Jankowski - International Journal of Human-Computer …, 2017 - Elsevier
Web user experience is an important relatively new field of study. The impact of marketing
content and its visual characteristics on perceived intrusiveness is one sub-field which …

Information System for Public Relations via Mobile Application Using In-Depth User Experience According to Education Experts.

S Jularlark, P Chatwattana, P Piriyasurawong - World Journal on Educational …, 2022 - ERIC
The information system for public relations via mobile application (PPSTC system) is
considered a tool to promote public relations and information perception in digital age based …

Reputation model based on rating data and application in recommender systems

AJ Abdel-Hafez - 2016 - eprints.qut.edu.au
This thesis introduced two novel reputation models to generate accurate item reputation
scores using ratings data and the statistics of the dataset. It also presented an innovative …

EcoBot: study design and development of a persuasive FSM-free Chatbot for energy saving

F Milano - 2023 - diva-portal.org
This study presents the development and evaluation of a conversational agent, EcoBot,
designed to inform users about their energy habits and persuade them to save more energy …