An overview on fault diagnosis and nature-inspired optimal control of industrial process applications

RE Precup, P Angelov, BSJ Costa… - Computers in …, 2015 - Elsevier
Fault detection, isolation and optimal control have long been applied to industry. These
techniques have proven various successful theoretical results and industrial applications …

A comparative review of artificial muscles for microsystem applications

M Shi, EM Yeatman - Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2021 -
Artificial muscles are capable of generating actuation in microsystems with outstanding
compliance. Recent years have witnessed a growing academic interest in artificial muscles …

[หนังสือ][B] Data-driven model-free controllers

RE Precup, RC Roman, A Safaei - 2021 -
This book categorizes the wide area of data-driven model-free controllers, reveals the exact
benefits of such controllers, gives the in-depth theory and mathematical proofs behind them …

Soft dielectric elastomer actuator micropump

FAM Ghazali, CK Mah, A AbuZaiter, PS Chee… - Sensors and Actuators A …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper presents a miniaturized soft dielectric elastomer actuator (DEA) micropump
which was demonstrated in microfluidic application. A strain-induced pre-stretched DEA …

Robust iterative feedback tuning control of a compliant rehabilitation robot for repetitive ankle training

W Meng, SQ **e, Q Liu, CZ Lu… - IEEE/ASME Transactions …, 2016 -
Robot-assisted rehabilitation offers benefits, such as repetitive, intensive, and task-specific
training, as compared to traditional manual manipulation performed by physiotherapists. In …

A modeling-free inversion-based iterative feedforward control for precision output tracking of linear time-invariant systems

KS Kim, Q Zou - IEEE/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics, 2012 -
In this paper, we propose a modeling-free inversion-based iterative feedforward control
(MIIFC) approach for high-speed output tracking of single-input single-output linear time …

[HTML][HTML] Microdosing for drug delivery application—A review

AB Bußmann, LM Grünerbel, CP Durasiewicz… - Sensors and Actuators A …, 2021 - Elsevier
There is an increasing amount of research on microfluidic actuators with the aim to improve
drug dosing applications. Micropumps are promising as they reduce the size and energy …

[HTML][HTML] Pumps operated by solid-state electromechanical smart material actuators-A review

EA Sideris, HC de Lange - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2020 - Elsevier
There has been a substantial amount of research on liquid pumps operated by solid-state
electroactive smart material actuators since the first such pump was developed in 1975 …

Multi‐input–multi‐output system experimental validation of model‐free control and virtual reference feedback tuning techniques

RC Roman, MB Radac… - IET Control Theory & …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This study proposes data‐driven model‐free adaptive control (MFAC), model‐free control
(MFC) and virtual reference feedback tuning (VRFT) techniques applied to the control of a …

Ionic electroactive polymer metal composites: fabricating, modeling, and applications of postsilicon smart devices

V De Luca, P Digiamberardino… - Journal of Polymer …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Smart systems adapt to the surrounding environments in a number of ways. They are
capable to scavenge energy from available sources, sense and elaborate external stimuli …