A study of the coarsening in tin/lead solders

W Dreyer, WH Müller - International Journal of solids and structures, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper presents a model, which is capable to simulate the coarsening process observed
during thermo-mechanical treatment of binary tin–lead solders. Fourier transforms and …

Regular lattice and small-world spin model simulations using CUDA and GPUs

KA Hawick, A Leist, DP Playne - International Journal of Parallel …, 2011 - Springer
Data-parallel accelerator devices such as Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) are providing
dramatic performance improvements over even multi-core CPUs for lattice-oriented …

Modelling, simulating and visualising the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook field equation

KA Hawick, DP Playne - International Journal of Computer …, 2010 - inderscienceonline.com
The Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation continues to be a useful model describing binary phase
separation in systems such as alloys and other physical and chemical applications. We …

[PDF][PDF] Modelling and Visualizing the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook Equation.

KA Hawick, DP Playne - MSV, 2008 - massey.ac.nz
Abstract The Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation continues to be a useful model describing binary
phase separation in systems such as alloys and other physical and chemical applications …

[PDF][PDF] Spectral analysis of growth in spatial lotka-volterra models

KA Hawick - Proc. International Conference on Modelling and …, 2010 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT The Lotka-Volterra coupled system of equations describing relationships
between predators and prey has been applied to a number of spatial biological and …

[PDF][PDF] Photo-penetration depth growth dependence in an agent-based photobioreactor model

KA Hawick, AV Husselmann - Proceedings of the International …, 2013 - world-comp.org
Growth of biological material such as bacteria for medical or other purposes is difficult to
model generally. A number of competing processes occur in a typical bioreactor. We report …

Spatial pattern growth and emergent animat segregation

KA Hawick, CJ Scogings - Web Intelligence and Agent …, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
Spatial agent models can be used to explore self-organizing effects such as pattern growth
and segregation. An approximate time line of key animat ideas and agent systems is …

[PDF][PDF] Software engineering a family of complex systems simulation model apps on android tablets

V Du Preez, B Pearce, KA Hawick… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 - world-comp.org
Tablet computers are emerging as powerful platforms for educational and demonstration
software in areas like computational science and simulation which previously had needed …

[PDF][PDF] Complex Domain Layering in Even Odd Cyclic State Rock-Paper-Scissors Game Simulations

K Hawick - Proc. IASTED International Conference on Modelling …, 2011 - researchgate.net
Models based on spatial game theory continue to attract interest as platforms for studying
complex simulations such as ecological, socio-political and networked-agent systems. The …

Analysing spinodal decomposition using image morphology with thinning, edge detection and graph methods

KA Hawick - Proc. IASTED International Conference on Signal and …, 2013 - actapress.com
Edge detection and morphological thinning techniques can be applied to images of cross-
sections of metallic alloys and other materials systems to analyse and characterise the …