Fat grafting to the breast: clinical applications and outcomes for reconstructive surgery

EB Katzel, LP Bucky - Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 2017 - journals.lww.com
This article is a review of fat grafting for breast reconstruction. The use of small volume fat
grafting for the correction of step-off deformities, intrinsic deformities, and extrinsic …

Fat grafting to the breast revisited: safety and efficacy

SR Coleman, AP Saboeiro - Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 2007 - journals.lww.com
Background: A 1987 American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons position
paper predicted that fat grafting would compromise breast cancer detection and should …

Fat injection to the breast: technique, results, and indications based on 880 procedures over 10 years

E Delay, S Garson, G Tousson… - Aesthetic surgery …, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Background: Fat injection to the breast is not a new idea, but it has always been
controversial. In particular, it has been feared that breast augmentation with autologous fat …

Indications and controversies in total breast reconstruction with lipomodeling

E Delay, AC Meruta, S Guerid - Clinics in plastic …, 2018 - plasticsurgery.theclinics.com
Breast reconstruction has s first purpose of volume and skin replacement. Many techniques
were developed in order to obtain a better aesthetic result with little scar and functional …

Breast fat grafting (lipomodelling) after extended latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstruction: a preliminary report of 200 consecutive cases

R Sinna, E Delay, S Garson, T Delaporte… - Journal of plastic …, 2010 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: The efficacy of fat grafting has long been a controversial issue. Breast
lipomodelling after extended latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction was first attempted at the …

Adipose-tissue grafting to the post-mastectomy irradiated chest wall: preparing the ground for implant reconstruction

I Sarfati, T Ihrai, G Kaufman, C Nos… - Journal of plastic …, 2011 - Elsevier
INTRODUCTION: Breast implant reconstruction after radiotherapy carries a high risk of
failure and complication. Nevertheless, it may be the only alternative for patients who are not …

Lipomodeling of Poland's syndrome: a new treatment of the thoracic deformity

E Delay, R Sinna, K Chekaroua, T Delaporte… - Aesthetic plastic …, 2010 - Springer
Background The severe forms of Poland's syndrome, with thoracic deformity, were until now
very difficult to treat, with treatment involving complex surgery and implant insertion. Results …

Indications and controversies in lipofilling for partial breast reconstruction

E Delay, S Guerid, AC Meruta - Clinics in plastic …, 2018 - plasticsurgery.theclinics.com
The sequelae after conservative breast cancer treatment are a challenge, 1 and until now,
no technique gave a very good result. Flaps, like the latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous …

The role of reconstructive surgery after soft tissue sarcoma resection

P Frobert, R Vaucher, G Vaz, F Gouin, P Meeus… - Annales de Chirurgie …, 2020 - Elsevier
Soft tissue sarcomas are rare malignant tumors with pejorative prognosis. They require a
multidisciplinary approach in a specialized hospital belonging to the NetSarc network in …

BEAULI™–eine neue Methode zur einfachen und zuverlässigen Fettzell-Transplantation

K Ueberreiter, JG Von Finckenstein… - Handchirurgie …, 2010 - thieme-connect.com
Nach vielzähligen Versuchen in der freien Verpflanzung von körpereigenemn autologem
Fettgewebe seit 1893 [1] besteht in den letzten Jahren aufgrund zahlreicher Publikationen …