Illegal logging, governance effectiveness and carbon dioxide emission in the timber-producing countries of Congo Basin and Asia
The empirical link between governance and illegal logging is widely accepted amongst
scientist, although a minority still purports that illegal logging does not necessarily prevail …
scientist, although a minority still purports that illegal logging does not necessarily prevail …
[KÖNYV][B] Historical dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon
MD DeLancey, MW DeLancey, RN Mbuh - 2019 - books.google.com
Cameroon is a land of much promise, but a land of unfulfilled promises. It has the potential to
be an economically developed and democratic society but the struggle to live up to its …
be an economically developed and democratic society but the struggle to live up to its …
Impacts of international timber procurement policies on Central Africa's forestry sector: The case of Cameroon
Public concerns about the environmental credentials of timber products have led to the
introduction of procurement policies that add criteria other than price into the decision …
introduction of procurement policies that add criteria other than price into the decision …
Evolution of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin forests: Exploring possible policy options to address forest loss
In the context of assessing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation (DD), for effective
implementation of REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) …
implementation of REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) …
Cameroon's hidden harvest: commercial chainsaw logging, corruption, and livelihoods
This article discusses the extent, impacts, and governance dynamics of illegal logging and
associated corruption in the chainsaw milling sector in Cameroon and the implications for …
associated corruption in the chainsaw milling sector in Cameroon and the implications for …
External Europeanization through timber trade agreements: Tracing causality in environmental governance reform
The business models of tropical timber production have long been configured around illegal
practices that cause environmental degradation and hinder socioeconomic progress in the …
practices that cause environmental degradation and hinder socioeconomic progress in the …
Old growth Afrotropical forests critical for maintaining forest carbon
Aim Large trees [≥ 70 cm diameter at breast height (DBH)] contribute disproportionately to
aboveground carbon stock (AGC) across the tropics but may be vulnerable to changing …
aboveground carbon stock (AGC) across the tropics but may be vulnerable to changing …
[PDF][PDF] Quantifying illegal logging and related timber trade
Understanding the magnitude of illegal logging and related timber trade as well as illegal
trade flows is critical to addressing the problem. This chapter provides an overview of the …
trade flows is critical to addressing the problem. This chapter provides an overview of the …
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) in Cameroon: Perceived private sector benefits from VPA implementation
This paper broadly defines the private forestry sector to include timber enterprises ranging
from small-scale chainsaw loggers to industrial timber producers, all of which will be directly …
from small-scale chainsaw loggers to industrial timber producers, all of which will be directly …
[KÖNYV][B] Restauration des paysages forestiers et régimes fonciers au Cameroun: Acquis et handicaps
Les phénomènes massifs de déforestation et dégradation forestière qui se sont produits
dans les autres bassins forestiers tropicaux (Asie du Sud-Est et Amazonie) au siècle dernier …
dans les autres bassins forestiers tropicaux (Asie du Sud-Est et Amazonie) au siècle dernier …