[PDF][PDF] Using hawgent dynamic mathematic software in teaching trigonometry
Learning media is a help assistant for students to understand mathematics concept.
Sometimes textbooks are very boring and not interesting therefore an innovation using a …
Sometimes textbooks are very boring and not interesting therefore an innovation using a …
Using hawgent dynamic mathematics software in teaching arithmetic operation
Dynamic learning software is an auxiliary tool to help students understand the mathematical
operation process. Sometimes the calculation methods of textbooks are dull and boring, an …
operation process. Sometimes the calculation methods of textbooks are dull and boring, an …
Praxeology review: Comparing Singaporean and Indonesian textbooks in introducing the concept of sets
Singapore has successfully implemented mathematics textbooks as a widely referenced part
of the curriculum. Nevertheless, not all countries can fit into the offered concept. There are …
of the curriculum. Nevertheless, not all countries can fit into the offered concept. There are …
Development of high school student work sheets using VBA for microsoft word trigonometry materials
The research was aimed to show that develo** a learning media impacted to improve
students ability in mathematical learning. The process implementated the application of VBA …
students ability in mathematical learning. The process implementated the application of VBA …
3D page flip professional: Enhance of representation mathematical ability on linear equation in one variable
The aims of this paper is to develop valid learning media and improve of mathematical
representation ability on linear equation in one variable. The research method which has …
representation ability on linear equation in one variable. The research method which has …
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Board Game Matematika Kelas Viii Semeseter 1 Kurikulum 2013 Di Smp Negeri 48 Jakarta
The development of the world of technology at this time has an influence and impact. The
objectives of this research are (1) To produce a board game media product for mathematics …
objectives of this research are (1) To produce a board game media product for mathematics …
Use of Duolingo application to improve English vocabulary during COVID-19 for mining engineering students
Duolingo is the educational application category like playing a game, so the students can
also use its casually without pressure, and also easy to accept and absorb because of …
also use its casually without pressure, and also easy to accept and absorb because of …
What can we learn from one-to-one trials in instructional design? A case from module development
The one-to-one trial phase within the instructional design development model has frequently
been neglected in prior research. This stage should provide much in-depth insight …
been neglected in prior research. This stage should provide much in-depth insight …
Use of interactive multimedia to improve digital literacy in elementary schools
Objective: Technological developments in the industrial era 4.0 have had a significant
impact on the transformation of education. The use of interactive multimedia in elementary …
impact on the transformation of education. The use of interactive multimedia in elementary …
Module of Integrated The Qur'an and Hadith Values in Excretion System Learning to Improve Students' Problem Solving Ability and Spiritual Quotient
The skills that students need to master to face life in the 21st century are critical thinking
skills and problem solving, collaboration and leadership, and adaptability, Islam and science …
skills and problem solving, collaboration and leadership, and adaptability, Islam and science …