[PDF][PDF] Using hawgent dynamic mathematic software in teaching trigonometry

TT Wijaya, Z Ying, A Purnama - International Journal of Emerging …, 2020‏ - learntechlib.org
Learning media is a help assistant for students to understand mathematics concept.
Sometimes textbooks are very boring and not interesting therefore an innovation using a …

Using hawgent dynamic mathematics software in teaching arithmetic operation

S Lin, Y Zhou, TT Wijaya - International Journal of Education and …, 2020‏ - pubs2.ascee.org
Dynamic learning software is an auxiliary tool to help students understand the mathematical
operation process. Sometimes the calculation methods of textbooks are dull and boring, an …

Praxeology review: Comparing Singaporean and Indonesian textbooks in introducing the concept of sets

A Hendriyanto, D Suryadi, JA Dahlan… - Eurasia Journal of …, 2023‏ - ejmste.com
Singapore has successfully implemented mathematics textbooks as a widely referenced part
of the curriculum. Nevertheless, not all countries can fit into the offered concept. There are …

Development of high school student work sheets using VBA for microsoft word trigonometry materials

M Bernard, A Sumarna, R Rolina… - Journal of Physics …, 2019‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The research was aimed to show that develo** a learning media impacted to improve
students ability in mathematical learning. The process implementated the application of VBA …

3D page flip professional: Enhance of representation mathematical ability on linear equation in one variable

F Ferdianto, D Nurulfatwa - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2019‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The aims of this paper is to develop valid learning media and improve of mathematical
representation ability on linear equation in one variable. The research method which has …

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Board Game Matematika Kelas Viii Semeseter 1 Kurikulum 2013 Di Smp Negeri 48 Jakarta

DH Nugroho - TEACHER: Jurnal Inovasi Karya Ilmiah Guru, 2021‏ - jurnalp4i.com
The development of the world of technology at this time has an influence and impact. The
objectives of this research are (1) To produce a board game media product for mathematics …

Use of Duolingo application to improve English vocabulary during COVID-19 for mining engineering students

H Hidayati, R Rahmaniah, I Irwandi… - JCES (Journal of …, 2021‏ - journal.ummat.ac.id
Duolingo is the educational application category like playing a game, so the students can
also use its casually without pressure, and also easy to accept and absorb because of …

What can we learn from one-to-one trials in instructional design? A case from module development

M Annisa, D Budimansyah, M Hidayat… - … and Development in …, 2024‏ - ejournal.umm.ac.id
The one-to-one trial phase within the instructional design development model has frequently
been neglected in prior research. This stage should provide much in-depth insight …

Use of interactive multimedia to improve digital literacy in elementary schools

RP Ramadhani, RN Setyowati, A Kristanto - International Journal of …, 2024‏ - ijoerar.net
Objective: Technological developments in the industrial era 4.0 have had a significant
impact on the transformation of education. The use of interactive multimedia in elementary …

Module of Integrated The Qur'an and Hadith Values in Excretion System Learning to Improve Students' Problem Solving Ability and Spiritual Quotient

N Nurika, S Alimah, SH Bintari - Journal of Innovative Science …, 2023‏ - journal.unnes.ac.id
The skills that students need to master to face life in the 21st century are critical thinking
skills and problem solving, collaboration and leadership, and adaptability, Islam and science …