Gendering arctic memory: Understanding the legacy of Josephine Diebitsch-Peary
S Reeploeg - Memory Studies, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The study of memory cultures often foregrounds the recovery of denied historical truths, with
the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past …
the recognition that social and cultural norms not only shape canonical versions of the past …
'The rage of the Northmen': Extreme metal and North-motivated violence
NP Sellheim - Polar Record, 2018 - cambridge.org
The Vikings have for generations yielded significant output in different cultural venues. Also
the music scene has utilised perceptions of the North and the Northmen to generate a …
the music scene has utilised perceptions of the North and the Northmen to generate a …
Hunting a 'good life': young lifestyle migrants in Finnish Lapland
A Ria-Maria - Polar Geography, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This article focuses on young lifestyle migrants in Arctic Finland, individuals who can be
described as active agents of their own fate in having made a conscious choice to move to a …
described as active agents of their own fate in having made a conscious choice to move to a …
[HTML][HTML] 'Purest Bones, Sweet Remains, and Most Sacred Relics.'Re-Fashioning St. Kazimierz Jagiellończyk (1458–84) as a Medieval Saint between Counter …
RS Noyes - Religions, 2021 - mdpi.com
This article explores the Counter-Reformation medievalization of Polish–Lithuanian St.
Kazimierz Jagiellończyk (1458–1484)—whose canonization was only finalized in the …
Kazimierz Jagiellończyk (1458–1484)—whose canonization was only finalized in the …
Envisioning North from a premodern perspective
D Jørgensen, V Langum - Visions of north in premodern Europe, 2018 - torrossa.com
The North is both a geo graphical region and an imaginative concept that varies, transforms,
and coheres diachronically and synchronically according to the perspective adopted. Thus …
and coheres diachronically and synchronically according to the perspective adopted. Thus …
Der übernatürliche Norden: Konturen eines Forschungsfeldes
ER Barraclough, D Cudmore… - …, 2013 - durham-repository.worktribe.com
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat sich die Forschung verstärkt mit der kulturellen
Bedeutung von» Nördlich-keit «auseinandergesetzt. Wie wurden der Norden und seine …
Bedeutung von» Nördlich-keit «auseinandergesetzt. Wie wurden der Norden und seine …
[PDF][PDF] The Quest for a Good Life: Young People's Wellbeing in Northern Finland
RM Adams - 2024 - phaidra.univie.ac.at
This ethnographic study focuses on young people's perspectives on wellbeing in northern
Finland. It highlights the importance of anthropological contributions to studies on Arctic …
Finland. It highlights the importance of anthropological contributions to studies on Arctic …
Le divine gemelle celesti: sacertà del fuoco centrale e semantica sell'aurora nella religione indoeuropea
M De Martino - 2017 - torrossa.com
È un grande onore per me e un piacere scrivere la prefazione al nuovo lavoro di ricerca di
Marcello De Martino, con il quale si è da tempo stabilita una collaborazione scientifica …
Marcello De Martino, con il quale si è da tempo stabilita una collaborazione scientifica …
[PDF][PDF] Viking Age Magic in Westeros: A Reading of Transgression in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire
FE Nicolas - The Macksey Journal, 2024 - mackseyjournal.scholasticahq.com
My study of Norse mythology, primarily sourced from but not limited to the literary canon,
aims to understand the transgressive quality of magic within the Viking worldview, to show …
aims to understand the transgressive quality of magic within the Viking worldview, to show …
Deconstructing Weather, Landscape, and Otherness in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
K Møllegaard, K Wilson - The International Journal of Literary …, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Set in West Yorkshire, England, in the early days of the industrial revolution,
Wuthering Heights is structured along binary oppositions to heighten the drama between …
Wuthering Heights is structured along binary oppositions to heighten the drama between …