Educational games (EG) design framework: Combination of game design, pedagogy and content modeling

R Ibrahim, A Jaafar - 2009 international conference on …, 2009 -
Previous studies have found that educational games (EG) provide immersion, motivation,
fun and high level of engagement. Studies also found that EG are able to teach 21 st century …

[PDF][PDF] Students perceptions of using educational games to learn introductory programming

R Ibrahim, RCM Yusoff… - Computer and …, 2011 -
Educational computer games studies experienced rapid growth due to the belief that games
can offer various learning benefits being highly popular among younger generations …

[PDF][PDF] Towards educational games acceptance model (EGAM): A revised unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)

R Ibrahim, K Khalil, A Jaafar - … Journal of Research and Reviews in …, 2011 -
Educational games (EG) are believed to be able to offer lots of potential due to games
popularity and preferences of younger generations of learners. Research on educational …

[PDF][PDF] Student perceptions of educational games in higher education: An empirical study

R Ibrahim, S Wahab, RCM Yusoff, K Khalil… - Issues in Information …, 2011 -
Studies of educational games (EG) have attracted researchers' attention especially in the
last few years due to its promising potential as well as the factor of preferences of younger …

[PDF][PDF] Student's opinions on online educational games for learning programming introductory

R Ibrahim, NZA Rahim, DWH Ten, RCM Yusoff… - International Journal of …, 2018 -
Use of educational games is an approach that has potential to change the existing
educational method. This is due to games popularity among younger generation as well as …

[PDF][PDF] A digital micro-game approach to improve the learning of hand-weaving art and history

S Chai-Arayalert, S Puttinaovarat - International Journal of Emerging …, 2021 -
This research focuses on the young people and an issue of national handicraft preservation
in the form of southern style hand weaving. A game is used in the study on arts and cultures …

[PDF][PDF] Key factors in road-rail mode choice in India: applying the logistics cost approach

PD Cook, S Das, A Aeppli, C Martland - … of the 31st conference on Winter …, 1999 -
There have been major changes in the share of road and rail traffic in India as the economy
and the population has grown and become more urbanized. This paper summarizes the key …

Using educational games in learning introductory programming: A pilot study on students' perceptions

R Ibrahim, J Semarak, A Jaafar - … International Symposium on …, 2010 -
Studies of using games for learning have being widely discussed in various literatures. This
is due to believes that educational games (EG) can offer many learning benefits such as …

Game design based learning of programming for girls

M Bevčič, J Rugelj - 2020 43rd International Convention on …, 2020 -
We will present the use of game design as a method for teaching programming in primary
and secondary schools. Students of the introductory course in computer programming …

Identificación computacional de temáticas históricas en contextos de aprendizaje informal: El caso de los juegos de mesa

X Rubio-Campillo - Clío, 2022 -
Los juegos de mesa son un producto cultural emergente estrechamente vinculado a
actividades de aprendizaje informal sobre disciplinas variadas como la biología, las …