Soil compaction effects on soil health and cropproductivity: an overview

AN Shah, M Tanveer, B Shahzad, G Yang… - … Science and Pollution …, 2017 - Springer
Soil compaction causes substantial reduction in agriculture productivity and has always
been of great distress for farmers. Intensive agriculture seems to be more crucial in causing …

Soil compaction impact and modelling. A review

MF Nawaz, G Bourrie, F Trolard - Agronomy for sustainable development, 2013 - Springer
Compaction of agricultural soils is a concern for many agricultural soil scientists and farmers
since soil compaction, due to heavy field traffic, has resulted in yield reduction of most …

Soil compaction in crop** systems: A review of the nature, causes and possible solutions

MA Hamza, WK Anderson - Soil and tillage research, 2005 - Elsevier
Soil compaction is one of the major problems facing modern agriculture. Overuse of
machinery, intensive crop**, short crop rotations, intensive grazing and inappropriate soil …

Does biochar application alleviate soil compaction? Review and data synthesis

H Blanco-Canqui - Geoderma, 2021 - Elsevier
Biochar is considered to enhance numerous soil ecosystem services, but whether it
alleviates soil compaction is not well known. This paper: 1) synthesizes the biochar impacts …

Short-term effects of tillage and manure on some soil physical properties and maize root growth in a sandy loam soil in western Iran

MR Mosaddeghi, AA Mahboubi, A Safadoust - Soil and tillage research, 2009 - Elsevier
Careful soil management is the key to sustainable agricultural production. Tillage practices
are critical components of soil management systems which significantly affect soil …

Effects of farmyard manure and tillage systems on soil physical properties and corn yield in central Iran

H Shirani, MA Hajabbasi, M Afyuni, A Hemmat - Soil and tillage research, 2002 - Elsevier
Tillage management and manure application are among the important factors affecting soil
physical properties and crop yield. A 2-year field experiment was conducted on a silty clay …

Modeling and correction of soil penetration resistance for varying soil water content

CMP Vaz, JM Manieri, IC De Maria, M Tuller - Geoderma, 2011 - Elsevier
For this study penetration resistance (PR) was measured within the profiles of four Oxisols
for a wide range of water contents (θ) and bulk densities. Obtained data were utilized to …

Soil organic matter and its impact on soil properties and nutrient status

O Bashir, T Ali, ZA Baba, GH Rather… - … and biofertilizers, Vol 2 …, 2021 - Springer
In 2050, the population of the world is expected to be 9 billion, which means we have to
produce six times more food. With this population explosion and increase in food demand …

Calculating the effect of soil organic matter concentration on soil bulk density

J Ruehlmann, M Körschens - Soil Science Society of America …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Soil bulk density (ρb) is required to estimate, evaluate, and calculate many physical soil
properties and processes and is essential to convert data from weight‐based to volume‐and …

Agricultural Production: Its Main Causes, Effects and Management

S Gürsoy - Technology in agriculture, 2021 -
In modern agriculture, most of the field operations from sowing to harvesting are done
mechanically by using heavy agriculture machines. However, the loads from these heavy …