A software framework for assessing the resilience of drinking water systems to disasters with an example earthquake case study
Water utilities are vulnerable to a wide variety of human-caused and natural disasters. The
Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) is a new open source Python™ package …
Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) is a new open source Python™ package …
Infrastructure seismic risk assessment: an overview and integration to contemporary open tool towards global usage
Infrastructures are critical for the functioning of society. Due to globalization, damages
between different components of infrastructure systems can cross international boundaries …
between different components of infrastructure systems can cross international boundaries …
Seismic hazard assessment model for urban water supply networks
A new seismic reliability evaluation model is proposed that quantifies the impact of
earthquakes on hydraulic behavior of water supply networks. Probabilistic seismic events …
earthquakes on hydraulic behavior of water supply networks. Probabilistic seismic events …
Seismic microzonation and geotechnical modeling studies considering local site effects for İnegöl Plain (Bursa‐Turkey)
Local site effects play a vital role in determining the level of structural damage to the
structures built on soil. Therefore, correctly determining the underground layer structure and …
structures built on soil. Therefore, correctly determining the underground layer structure and …
[HTML][HTML] Post-earthquake restoration simulation model for water supply networks
A computer-based simulation model was developed to quantify the seismic damage that
may occur in water supply networks and to suggest restoration strategies after such events …
may occur in water supply networks and to suggest restoration strategies after such events …
High‐resolution (2–7 kHz) acoustic and geometric characters of submarine creep deposits in the South Korea Plateau, East Sea
SH Lee, SK Chough - Sedimentology, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
A synthesis of high‐resolution (Chirp, 2–7 kHz) seismic profiles in the South Korea Plateau
reveals that large masses of wavy stratified sediment (≈ 60–90 m thick) cover broad, gently …
reveals that large masses of wavy stratified sediment (≈ 60–90 m thick) cover broad, gently …
Chirp (2–7-kHz) echo characters of the South Korea Plateau, East Sea: styles of mass movement and sediment gravity flow
SH Lee, SK Chough, GG Back, YB Kim - Marine Geology, 2002 - Elsevier
The South Korea Plateau is a complex of ridges, seamount chains, troughs and a basin.
Detailed analysis of 12 019 line-km Chirp (2–7-kHz) subbottom profiles from the South …
Detailed analysis of 12 019 line-km Chirp (2–7-kHz) subbottom profiles from the South …
[HTML][HTML] Probabilistic seismic assessment of base-isolated NPPs subjected to strong ground motions of Tohoku earthquake
The probabilistic seismic performance of a standard Korean nuclear power plant (NPP) with
an idealized isolation is investigated in the present work. A probabilistic seismic hazard …
an idealized isolation is investigated in the present work. A probabilistic seismic hazard …
Optimal design of water supply networks for enhancing seismic reliability
The goal of the present study is to construct a reliability evaluation model of a water supply
system taking seismic hazards and present techniques to enhance hydraulic reliability of the …
system taking seismic hazards and present techniques to enhance hydraulic reliability of the …
Lateral heterogeneities and microtremors: limitations of HVSR and SPAC based studies for site response
We report a site effect study carried out in a small alluvial valley, Nari basin, in Ulleung
island, Republic of Korea. In that small valley a permanent, broad-band array of five stations …
island, Republic of Korea. In that small valley a permanent, broad-band array of five stations …