The senses in tourism design: A bibliometric review

D Agapito - Annals of Tourism Research, 2020 - Elsevier
The importance of addressing multisensory aspects in the design of tourism experiences
and places has become apparent in a recent strand of research. There has been a …

New directions in the sociology of tourism

SA Cohen, E Cohen - Current Issues in Tourism, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This review article starts with an examination of the shifting nature of tourism discourse from
the 1960s up to the present, and then focuses on seven topics that we consider to be on the …

Cultural tourism: An analysis of engagement, cultural contact, memorable tourism experience and destination loyalty

H Chen, I Rahman - Tourism management perspectives, 2018 - Elsevier
This study examines the interplay of visitor engagement, cultural contact, memorable tourism
experience (MTE), and destination loyalty in cultural tourism. The research was conducted …

Wine tourism: a multisensory experience

A Brochado, O Stoleriu, C Lupu - Current Issues in Tourism, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This study sought to identify the main themes of sensory experiences of Douro wineries
shared online by tourists. Douro is a demarcated wine region famous for Port, which is on …

Tourists' memories, sensory impressions and loyalty: In loco and post-visit study in Southwest Portugal

D Agapito, P Pinto, J Mendes - Tourism Management, 2017 - Elsevier
This study aims to offer some insights on the contribution of sensory diversity as perceived
by tourists to memorable destination experiences and to explore the connection between …

Exploring the conceptualization of the sensory dimension of tourist experiences

D Agapito, J Mendes, P Valle - Journal of destination marketing & …, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper aims to contribute to the conceptualization of the sensory dimension of tourist
experiences by discussing its theoretical underpinnings. A multidisciplinary approach to the …

[CARTE][B] Urban smellscapes: Understanding and designing city smell environments

V Henshaw - 2013 -
We see the city, we hear the city, but above all: we smell the city. Scent has unique qualities:
ubiquity, persistence, and an unparalleled connection to memory, yet it has gone overlooked …

The tourist gaze 3.0

J Urry, J Larsen - 2011 -
I am very grateful for the advice, encouragement and assistance of the following, especially
those who have provided me with tourist gems from around the world: Paul Bagguley, Nick …

The sensory dimension of tourist experiences: Capturing meaningful sensory-informed themes in Southwest Portugal

D Agapito, P Valle, J Mendes - Tourism Management, 2014 - Elsevier
Sensory aspects of destinations have recently been in focus as an important dimension in
the process of facilitating positive tourist experiences. The countryside embraces local …

Understanding and managing the rural tourism experience—The case of a historical village in Portugal

E Kastenholz, MJ Carneiro, CP Marques… - Tourism management …, 2012 - Elsevier
As an industry tourism is often perceived important as a means of development in marginal
rural zones, such developments are thought to appeal to a post-modern market seeking …