Microbial‑induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) technology: a review on the fundamentals and engineering applications
The microbial‑induced carbonate precipitation (MICP), as an emerging biomineralization
technology mediated by specific bacteria, has been a popular research focus for scientists …
technology mediated by specific bacteria, has been a popular research focus for scientists …
Earthquake‐induced chains of geologic hazards: Patterns, mechanisms, and impacts
Large earthquakes initiate chains of surface processes that last much longer than the brief
moments of strong shaking. Most moderate‐and large‐magnitude earthquakes trigger …
moments of strong shaking. Most moderate‐and large‐magnitude earthquakes trigger …
The long-term evolution of landslide activity near the epicentral area of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in China
M Chen, C Tang, J **ong, QY Shi, N Li, LF Gong… - Geomorphology, 2020 - Elsevier
The Wenchuan earthquake triggered numerous landslides and damaged vast areas of
vegetation. Strong mountain earthquakes have long-term impacts on the activities of …
vegetation. Strong mountain earthquakes have long-term impacts on the activities of …
Decadal vegetation succession from MODIS reveals the spatio-temporal evolution of post-seismic landsliding after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Strong earthquakes, especially in continental mountainous areas, can trigger extensive
mass wasting, producing large amounts of debris that accumulates along the hillslopes or in …
mass wasting, producing large amounts of debris that accumulates along the hillslopes or in …
Rapidly evolving controls of landslides after a strong earthquake and implications for hazard assessments
Strong earthquakes, especially on mountain slopes, can generate large amounts of
unconsolidated deposits, prone to remobilization by aftershocks and rainstorms. Assessing …
unconsolidated deposits, prone to remobilization by aftershocks and rainstorms. Assessing …
Surface temperature controls the pattern of post-earthquake landslide activity
The patterns and controls of the transient enhanced landsliding that follows strong
earthquakes remain elusive. Geostatistical models can provide clues on the underlying …
earthquakes remain elusive. Geostatistical models can provide clues on the underlying …
Catastrophic debris flows triggered by the 20 August 2019 rainfall, a decade since the Wenchuan earthquake, China
Enhanced debris flow activity observed after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan
Province, SW China, is still intense more than a decade since the earthquake. A heavy …
Province, SW China, is still intense more than a decade since the earthquake. A heavy …
Spatial and temporal evolution of co-seismic landslides after the 2005 Kashmir earthquake
M Shafique - Geomorphology, 2020 - Elsevier
Large earthquakes in mountainous regions often trigger widespread landslides, some of
which remain active for years to decades. This study has evaluated the spatial and temporal …
which remain active for years to decades. This study has evaluated the spatial and temporal …
Spatial and temporal evolution of long-term debris flow activity and the dynamic influence of condition factors in the Wenchuan earthquake-affected area, Sichuan …
Y Yang, C Tang, C Tang, M Chen, Y Cai, X Bu, C Liu - Geomorphology, 2023 - Elsevier
In recent decades, there have been several extreme earthquakes around the world, with the
2008 Wenchuan earthquake resulting in the highest number of landslides and substantial …
2008 Wenchuan earthquake resulting in the highest number of landslides and substantial …
Vegetation-landslide nexus and topographic changes post the 2004 Mw 6.6 Chuetsu earthquake
Ground shaking on steep slopes often triggers numerous landslides, which dramatically
modify the landscape and have long-term effects on vegetation dynamics. However, we still …
modify the landscape and have long-term effects on vegetation dynamics. However, we still …