Ant‐termite interactions: an important but under‐explored ecological linkage
Animal interactions play an important role in understanding ecological processes. The
nature and intensity of these interactions can shape the impacts of organisms on their …
nature and intensity of these interactions can shape the impacts of organisms on their …
[PDF][PDF] Social parasitism among ants: a review (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
A Buschinger - Myrmecological News, 2009 - antwiki.org
The latest review of social parasitism in ants was published in 1990. Since then,
comparatively few new parasitic species have been discovered, but research has …
comparatively few new parasitic species have been discovered, but research has …
Morphologically specialized termite castes and advanced sociality in the Early Cretaceous
A hallmark of animals that are eusocial, or those with advanced sociality, is reproductive
specialization into worker and queen castes [1–3]. In the most derived societies, these …
specialization into worker and queen castes [1–3]. In the most derived societies, these …
The first ant-termite syninclusion in amber with CT-scan analysis of taphonomy
We describe here a co-occurrence (ie a syninclusion) of ants and termites in a piece of
Mexican amber (Totolapa deposit, Chiapas), whose importance is two-fold. First, this finding …
Mexican amber (Totolapa deposit, Chiapas), whose importance is two-fold. First, this finding …
Termitariophily: expanding the concept of termitophily in a physogastric rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
1. Termitophily in some rove beetles is commonly attributed to the striking termite worker
resemblance that is provided by the beetles' hypertrophic ('physogastric') abdomen …
resemblance that is provided by the beetles' hypertrophic ('physogastric') abdomen …
Rapid assessment of the three‐dimensional distribution of dominant arboreal ants in tropical forests
Ants are omnipresent in tropical forests, especially territorially dominant arboreal ants whose
territories are spatially segregated forming 'ant mosaics'. These ecologically important …
territories are spatially segregated forming 'ant mosaics'. These ecologically important …
Protein marking reveals predation on termites by the woodland ant, Aphaenogaster rudis
Subterranean termites provide a major potential food source for forest-dwelling ants, yet the
interactions between ants and termites are seldom investigated largely due to the cryptic …
interactions between ants and termites are seldom investigated largely due to the cryptic …
Twigs in the leaf litter as ant habitats in different vegetation habitats in southeastern Brazil
DR de Souza-Campana, RR Silva… - Tropical …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Vegetation structure and microhabitat availability and diversity affect ant assemblage
diversity, growth, and dispersal. In this study, we described assemblages of ants nesting in …
diversity, growth, and dispersal. In this study, we described assemblages of ants nesting in …
Disturbance‐modulated symbioses in termitophily
I Monteiro, AB Viana‐Junior… - Ecology and …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Symbiosis, the living‐together of unlike organisms, underlies every major transition in
evolution and pervades most ecological dynamics. Among examples of symbioses, the …
evolution and pervades most ecological dynamics. Among examples of symbioses, the …
Termite cohabitation: the relative effect of biotic and abiotic factors on mound biodiversity
1. Termites are important ecosystem engineers that improve primary productivity in trees and
animal diversity outside their mounds. However, their ecological relationship with the …
animal diversity outside their mounds. However, their ecological relationship with the …