[ספר][B] Instructional models in physical education
M Metzler - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Ensures that physical educators are fully armed with a comprehensive plan for incorporating
instructional models in their teaching! Instructional Models for Physical Education has two …
instructional models in their teaching! Instructional Models for Physical Education has two …
Preservice physical education teachers' perceptions of a flipped basketball course: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations
Purpose: Information and communication technologies can enable educators in the
development of innovative and contextually relevant approaches for the provision of …
development of innovative and contextually relevant approaches for the provision of …
Personalized System of Instruction in Higher Education: A Systematic Review
Abstract Personalized System of Instruction (PSI), also known as the Keller method, is a
specific instructional design. There has been limited research focused on how this method …
specific instructional design. There has been limited research focused on how this method …
Effect of personalized system of instruction on health-related fitness knowledge and class time physical activity
In previous studies, researchers have identified a general low level of health-related fitness
(HRF) knowledge among secondary students that can effect levels of physical activity (PA) …
(HRF) knowledge among secondary students that can effect levels of physical activity (PA) …
Bireyselleştirilmiş öğretim modeli temelli uzaktan eğitimin akademik öğrenme zamanı üzerine etkisi
Bu araştırmanın amacı uzaktan eğitimle yürütülen ortaokul beden eğitimi ve spor dersi
fiziksel uygunluk ünitesinde kullanılan bireyselleştirilmiş öğretim modelinin akademik …
fiziksel uygunluk ünitesinde kullanılan bireyselleştirilmiş öğretim modelinin akademik …
Effect of personalized system for instructions (psi) on physical fitness of senior high school nursing's student
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Personalized System for Instructions
(PSI) to the physical fitness of Senior High School nursing's student. This research used …
(PSI) to the physical fitness of Senior High School nursing's student. This research used …
[PDF][PDF] Personalized system of instruction in physical education
A Young - International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2019 - ijah.cgrd.org
Many physical education teachers have and only practice one form of teaching which is
considered by many as the “traditional teaching” method. Traditional teaching allows the …
considered by many as the “traditional teaching” method. Traditional teaching allows the …
Application of volleyball teaching through distance education utilizing a personalized system of instruction
Countries worldwide have imposed restrictions on social life and education to decrease the
spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous interventions have been made in every …
spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous interventions have been made in every …
The Effects of Personalized System for Instruction Learning Model on Vocational School Students' Motivation
This study aims to determine the differences of student learning motivation using the model
of learning personalized system for instruction and student learning motivation using direct …
of learning personalized system for instruction and student learning motivation using direct …
[PDF][PDF] Implementation of a personal fitness unit using the personalized system of instruction model
Levels of physical activity and health-related fitness (HRF) are decreasing among
adolescents in the United States. Several interventions have been implemented to reverse …
adolescents in the United States. Several interventions have been implemented to reverse …