What maintains signal honesty in animal colour displays used in mate choice?
Many of the colour displays of animals are proposed to have evolved in response to female
mate choice for honest signals of quality, but such honest signalling requires mechanisms to …
mate choice for honest signals of quality, but such honest signalling requires mechanisms to …
Avian sexual dichromatism in relation to phylogeny and ecology
▪ Abstract The extent and diversity of sexual dichromatism in birds is thought to be due to the
intensity of current sexual selection on the plumage ornamentation of males and females …
intensity of current sexual selection on the plumage ornamentation of males and females …
[KIRJA][B] Molecular ecology
JR Freeland - 2020 - books.google.com
A fully updated guide to the increasingly prevalent use of molecular data in ecological
studies Molecular ecology is concerned with how molecular biology and population genetics …
studies Molecular ecology is concerned with how molecular biology and population genetics …
The adaptive significance of coloration in mammals
TIM Caro - BioScience, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Coloration is a diagnostic tool for identifying mammals, but inquiry into its function has lain
dormant for almost a century. Recently, the topic has been revived and modern phylogenetic …
dormant for almost a century. Recently, the topic has been revived and modern phylogenetic …
[KIRJA][B] The biology of moult in birds
L Jenni, R Winkler - 2020 - books.google.com
The first comprehensive review of all aspects of the biology of moult, drawing information
from across the literature and in all birds, from penguins to passerines. Feathers are …
from across the literature and in all birds, from penguins to passerines. Feathers are …
Carotenoids, immunocompetence, and the information content of sexual colors: an experimental test
Many male birds use carotenoid pigments to acquire brilliant colors that advertise their
health and condition to prospective mates. The direct means by which the most colorful …
health and condition to prospective mates. The direct means by which the most colorful …
[KIRJA][B] Phenotypic integration: studying the ecology and evolution of complex phenotypes
M Pigliucci, K Preston - 2004 - books.google.com
A new voice in the nature-nurture debate can be heard at the interface between evolution
and development. Phenotypic integration--or, how large numbers of characteristics are …
and development. Phenotypic integration--or, how large numbers of characteristics are …
Social learning in birds and its role in sha** a foraging niche
T Slagsvold, KL Wiebe - Philosophical Transactions of …, 2011 - royalsocietypublishing.org
We briefly review the literature on social learning in birds, concluding that strong evidence
exists mainly for predator recognition, song, mate choice and foraging. The mechanism of …
exists mainly for predator recognition, song, mate choice and foraging. The mechanism of …
[HTML][HTML] Carotenoid-based coloration in cichlid fishes
Animal colors play important roles in communication, ecological interactions and speciation.
Carotenoid pigments are responsible for many yellow, orange and red hues in animals …
Carotenoid pigments are responsible for many yellow, orange and red hues in animals …
Life history trade-offs are influenced by the diversity, availability and interactions of dietary antioxidants
The expression of most life history traits, such as immunity, growth and the development of
sexual signals, is negatively affected by high levels of oxidative stress. Dietary antioxidants …
sexual signals, is negatively affected by high levels of oxidative stress. Dietary antioxidants …