Cancelable biometrics: A review
Recent years have seen an exponential growth in the use of various biometric technologies
for trusted automatic recognition of humans. With the rapid adaptation of biometric systems …
for trusted automatic recognition of humans. With the rapid adaptation of biometric systems …
Cancelable biometrics: a comprehensive survey
Biometric recognition is a challenging research field but suffers from privacy and security
concerns. To address this concern, Cancelable Biometrics is suggested in literature in which …
concerns. To address this concern, Cancelable Biometrics is suggested in literature in which …
Block-DEF: A secure digital evidence framework using blockchain
A secure digital evidence system should ensure that evidence cannot be tampered with and
that private information cannot be leaked. Blockchain, a distributed tamper-resistant and …
that private information cannot be leaked. Blockchain, a distributed tamper-resistant and …
Ringct 2.0: A compact accumulator-based (linkable ring signature) protocol for blockchain cryptocurrency monero
In this work, we initially study the necessary properties and security requirements of Ring
Confidential Transaction (RingCT) protocol deployed in the popular anonymous …
Confidential Transaction (RingCT) protocol deployed in the popular anonymous …
Zerocoin: Anonymous distributed e-cash from bitcoin
Bitcoin is the first e-cash system to see widespread adoption. While Bitcoin offers the
potential for new types of financial interaction, it has significant limitations regarding privacy …
potential for new types of financial interaction, it has significant limitations regarding privacy …
Bolt: Anonymous payment channels for decentralized currencies
Bitcoin owes its success to the fact that transactions are transparently recorded in the
blockchain, a global public ledger that removes the need for trusted parties. Unfortunately …
blockchain, a global public ledger that removes the need for trusted parties. Unfortunately …
B-ride: Ride sharing with privacy-preservation, trust and fair payment atop public blockchain
Ride-sharing is a service that enables drivers to share trips with other riders, contributing to
appealing benefits of shared travel cost and reducing traffic congestion. However, the …
appealing benefits of shared travel cost and reducing traffic congestion. However, the …
Snarky signatures: Minimal signatures of knowledge from simulation-extractable SNARKs
We construct a pairing based simulation-extractable SNARK (SE-SNARK) that consists of
only 3 group elements and has highly efficient verification. By formally linking SE-SNARKs to …
only 3 group elements and has highly efficient verification. By formally linking SE-SNARKs to …
APPA: An anonymous and privacy preserving data aggregation scheme for fog-enhanced IoT
Fog computing is a modern computing platform that connects the cloud with the edge smart
devices located at the edge of the network. The fog computing platform has several …
devices located at the edge of the network. The fog computing platform has several …
Deco: Liberating web data using decentralized oracles for tls
Thanks to the widespread deployment of TLS, users can access private data over channels
with end-to-end confidentiality and integrity. What they cannot do, however, is prove to third …
with end-to-end confidentiality and integrity. What they cannot do, however, is prove to third …