The interoperability challenge: building a model-driven digital thread platform for CPS
With the heterogeneity of the industry 4.0 world, and more generally of the Cyberphysical
Systems realm, the quest towards a platform approach to solve the interoperability problem …
Systems realm, the quest towards a platform approach to solve the interoperability problem …
[HTML][HTML] Cinco de Bio: A Low-Code Platform for Domain-Specific Workflows for Biomedical Imaging Research
Background: In biomedical imaging research, experimental biologists generate vast
amounts of data that require advanced computational analysis. Breakthroughs in …
amounts of data that require advanced computational analysis. Breakthroughs in …
Cinco Cloud: A Holistic Approach for Web-Based Language-Driven Engineering
In this paper, we present Cinco Cloud, a holistic web-based language engineering
environment that seamlessly aligns the entire process from the meta modeling of domain …
environment that seamlessly aligns the entire process from the meta modeling of domain …
Executable documentation: From documentation languages to purpose-specific languages
We present executable documentation as a natural continuation of a long-term trend of
documentation/code alignment that started with self-documenting code in the seventies …
documentation/code alignment that started with self-documenting code in the seventies …
Towards continuous quality control in the context of language-driven engineering
In this paper, we illustrate the role of quality assurance in Language-Driven Engineering
(LDE) which exploits the observation that the more specific a programming/modeling …
(LDE) which exploits the observation that the more specific a programming/modeling …
Domain-Specificity as Enabler for Global Organization aLignment and Decision
In this paper we illustrate the power of domain-specificity as a means to enhance the tool
support for business modeling by enabling customized guidance of the various involved …
support for business modeling by enabling customized guidance of the various involved …
Asking why
In this paper, we illustrate the impact of simple Why questions as a means to reveal global
aspects that may easily be forgotten during traditional requirement analysis. For illustration …
aspects that may easily be forgotten during traditional requirement analysis. For illustration …
Evaluation of graphical modeling of ci/cd workflows with rig
This evaluation is about our workshop on graphical modeling of CI/CD pipeline and how our
self-developed tool Rig can support creating such workflows. We describe the three tasks …
self-developed tool Rig can support creating such workflows. We describe the three tasks …
Model-driven digital thread platform for cyber-physical systems
HAA Chaudhary - 2023 - researchrepository.ul.ie
The latest advancements in Cyber-Physical Systems revolve around the increased adoption
of cutting edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things, edge computing, artificial …
of cutting edge technologies, such as the Internet of Things, edge computing, artificial …
[PDF][PDF] Simplicity-Oriented Lifelong Learning of Web Applications
JA Bainczyk - 2024 - core.ac.uk
Nowadays, web applications are ubiquitous. Entire business models revolve around making
their services available over the Internet, anytime, anywhere in the world. Due to today's …
their services available over the Internet, anytime, anywhere in the world. Due to today's …