Contorsion of material connection in growing solids

SA Lychev, KG Koifman - Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - Springer
The subject of the present paper is a material connection that describes the sources of
incompatibility in growing solids. There are several possibilities to introduce such a …

An Approach to Growth Mechanics Based on the Analytical Mechanics of Nonholonomic Systems

A Grillo, A Pastore, S Di Stefano - Journal of Elasticity, 2025 - Springer
Motivated by the convenience, in some biomechanical problems, of interpreting the mass
balance law of a growing medium as a nonholonomic constraint on the time rate of a …

Finite incompatible deformations in elastic solids: Relativistic approach

S Lychev, K Koifman, D Bout - Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2022 - Springer
The Lagrangian approach for modeling of relativistic elastic solid with distributed defects is
developed. The influence of defects on stress-strain state of the solid is taken into account …

Incompatible deformations in additively fabricated solids: Discrete and continuous approaches

S Lychev, K Koifman, N Djuzhev - Symmetry, 2021 -
The present paper is intended to show the close interrelationship between non-linear
models of solids, produced with additive manufacturing, and models of solids with …

Material affine connections for growing solids

SA Lychev, KG Koifman - Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2020 - Springer
The present paper aims to develop geometrical approach for finite incompatible
deformations arising in growing solids. The phenomena of incompatibility is modeled by …

Incompatible Deformations in Hyperelastic Plates

S Lychev, A Digilov, V Bespalov, N Djuzhev - Mathematics, 2024 -
The design of thin-walled structures is commonly based on the solutions of linear boundary-
value problems, formulated within well-developed theories for elastic plates and shells …

Evaluation of residual stresses in additively produced thermoelastic cylinder. Part I. Thermal fields

SA Lychev, M Fekry - Mechanics of Advanced Materials and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The study is aimed at mathematical modeling of non-stationary temperature and stress-
strain fields in growing thermoelastic cylinder, which growth is due to the layer-by-layer …

Теоретическое и экспериментальное исследование изгиба тонкой подложки при электролитическом осаждении

ДК Бут, ПС Бычков, СА Лычев - Вестник Пермского …, 2020 -
В работе развиваются теоретические и экспериментальные методы исследования
искажений тонких подложек при электролитическом осаждении и накопления в них …

Experimental technique for determining the evolution of the bending shape of thin substrate by the copper electrocrystallization in areas of complex shapes

PS Bychkov, SA Lychev, DK Bout - Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta …, 2019 -
PS Bychkov, SA Lychev, DK Bout, “Experimental technique for determining the evolution of the
bending shape of thin substrate by the copper electrocrystallization in areas of complex shapes” …

Особенности деформирования круглых тонкопленочных мембран и экспериментальное определение их эффективных характеристик

АА Дедкова, ПЮ Глаголев, ЕЭ Гусев… - Журнал технической …, 2021 -
Рассмотрены особенности тонкопленочных мембран, сформированных над круглыми
отверстиями в кремниевых подложках с помощью Бош-процесса травления. Из-за …