Shortcuts to adiabaticity: Concepts, methods, and applications

D Guéry-Odelin, A Ruschhaupt, A Kiely… - Reviews of Modern …, 2019‏ - APS
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) are fast routes to the final results of slow, adiabatic changes
of the controlling parameters of a system. The shortcuts are designed by a set of analytical …

Fast and robust quantum state transfer in a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain with next-to-nearest-neighbor interactions

FM d'Angelis, FA Pinheiro, D Guéry-Odelin… - Physical Review …, 2020‏ - APS
We suggest a method for fast and robust quantum-state transfer in a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger
(SSH) chain, which exploits the use of next-to-nearest-neighbor (NNN) interactions. The …

Implementation of a hybrid classical-quantum annealing algorithm for logistic network design

Y Ding, X Chen, L Lamata, E Solano, M Sanz - SN Computer Science, 2021‏ - Springer
The logistic network design is an abstract optimization problem that, under the assumption of
minimal cost, seeks the optimal configuration of the supply chain's infrastructures and …

Fast and robust control of two interacting spins

XT Yu, Q Zhang, Y Ban, X Chen - Physical Review A, 2018‏ - APS
Rapid preparation, manipulation, and correction of spin states with high fidelity are requisite
for quantum information processing and quantum computing. In this paper, we propose a …

Efficient generation of the triplet Bell state between coupled spins using transitionless quantum driving and optimal control

D Stefanatos, E Paspalakis - Physical Review A, 2019‏ - APS
We consider a pair of coupled spins with Ising interaction in the z direction and study the
problem of generating efficiently the triplet Bell state. We initially analyze the transitionless …

Fast generation of entanglement between coupled spins using optimization and deep learning methods

D Koutromanos, D Stefanatos… - EPJ Quantum …, 2024‏ -
Coupled spins form composite quantum systems which play an important role in many
quantum technology applications, with an essential task often being the efficient generation …

Pulse reverse engineering for controlling two-level quantum systems

D Ran, WJ Shan, ZC Shi, ZB Yang, J Song, Y **a - Physical Review A, 2020‏ - APS
In this paper, based on the idea of reverse engineering, we propose a scheme to find
analytical expressions of a laser pulse that allows for controlling the evolution of two-level …

Engineered swift equilibration for Brownian objects: from underdamped to overdamped dynamics

M Chupeau, S Ciliberto, D Guéry-Odelin… - New Journal of …, 2018‏ -
We propose an enlarged framework to study transformations that drive an underdamped
Brownian particle in contact with a thermal bath from an equilibrium state to a new one in an …

[HTML][HTML] Connection between inverse engineering and optimal control in shortcuts to adiabaticity

Q Zhang, X Chen, D Guéry-Odelin - Entropy, 2021‏ -
We consider fast high-fidelity quantum control by using a shortcut to adiabaticity (STA)
technique and optimal control theory (OCT). Three specific examples, including expansion …

Pulse engineering for population control under dephasing and dissipation

I Medina, FL Semião - Physical Review A, 2019‏ - APS
We apply reverse engineering to find electromagnetic pulses that allow for the control of
populations in quantum systems under dephasing and thermal noises. In particular, we …