The graph crossing number and its variants: A survey

M Schaefer - The electronic journal of combinatorics, 2012 -
The crossing number is a popular tool in graph drawing and visualization, but there is not
really just one crossing number; there is a large family of crossing number notions of which …

[CARTE][B] Crossing numbers of graphs

M Schaefer - 2018 -
Crossing Numbers of Graphs is the first book devoted to the crossing number, an
increasingly popular object of study with surprising connections. The field has matured into a …

Toward a theory of planarity: Hanani-Tutte and planarity variants

M Schaefer - International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 2012 - Springer
Abstract We study Hanani-Tutte style theorems for various notions of planarity, including
partially embedded planarity, and simultaneous planarity. This approach brings together the …

Twisted ways to find plane structures in simple drawings of complete graphs

O Aichholzer, A García, J Tejel, B Vogtenhuber… - Discrete & …, 2024 - Springer
Simple drawings are drawings of graphs in which the edges are Jordan arcs and each pair
of edges share at most one point (a proper crossing or a common endpoint). A simple …

Simultaneous embedding

I Rutter - Beyond Planar Graphs: Communications of NII Shonan …, 2020 - Springer
Given two planar graphs G_1 G 1 and G_2 G 2 that share some vertices and edges, a
simultaneous embedding with fixed edges (Sefe) is a pair of planar topological …

Crossing Numbers and Combinatorial Characterization of Monotone Drawings of

M Balko, R Fulek, J Kynčl - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2015 - Springer
In 1958, Hill conjectured that the minimum number of crossings in a drawing of K_n K n is
exactly Z (n)= 1 4\big ⌊ n 2\big ⌋\big ⌊ n-1 2\big ⌋\big ⌊ n-2 2\big ⌋\big ⌊ n-3 2\big ⌋ Z (n) …

Partial and constrained level planarity

G Brückner, I Rutter - Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2017 - SIAM
Abstract Let G=(V, E) be a directed graph and ℓ: V→[k]:={1,…, k} a level assignment such
that ℓ (u)< ℓ (v) for all directed edges (u, v)∊ E. A level planar drawing of G is a drawing of G …

Constrained and ordered level planarity parameterized by the number of levels

V Blažej, B Klemz, F Klesen, MD Sieper, A Wolff… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
The problem Level Planarity asks for a crossing-free drawing of a graph in the plane such
that vertices are placed at prescribed y-coordinates (called levels) and such that every edge …

Shellable Drawings and the Cylindrical Crossing Number of

BM Ábrego, O Aichholzer… - Discrete & …, 2014 - Springer
Abstract The Harary–Hill Conjecture states that the number of crossings in any drawing of
the complete graph K_n K n in the plane is at least Z (n):= 1 4\left ⌊ n 2\right ⌋\left ⌊ n-1 …

Constrained level planarity is FPT with respect to the vertex cover number

B Klemz, MD Sieper - arxiv preprint arxiv:2404.16723, 2024 -
The problem Level Planarity asks for a crossing-free drawing of a graph in the plane such
that vertices are placed at prescribed y-coordinates (called levels) and such that every edge …