Bound states in the continuum in resonant nanostructures: an overview of engineered materials for tailored applications
From theoretical model to experimental realization, the bound state in the continuum (BIC) is
an emerging area of research interest in the last decade. In the initial years, well-established …
an emerging area of research interest in the last decade. In the initial years, well-established …
Metasurface-driven optically variable devices
Optically variable devices (OVDs) are in tremendous demand as optical indicators against
the increasing threat of counterfeiting. Conventional OVDs are exposed to the danger of …
the increasing threat of counterfeiting. Conventional OVDs are exposed to the danger of …
Optical manipulation with metamaterial structures
Optical manipulation with metamaterial structures | Applied Physics Reviews | AIP Publishing
Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt Text Umbrella Alt Text Close Publishers AIP Publishing …
Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt Text Umbrella Alt Text Close Publishers AIP Publishing …
Nonradiating photonics with resonant dielectric nanostructures
Nonradiating sources of energy have traditionally been studied in quantum mechanics and
astrophysics but have received very little attention in the photonics community. This situation …
astrophysics but have received very little attention in the photonics community. This situation …
Directional lasing in resonant semiconductor nanoantenna arrays
High-index dielectric and semiconductor nanoparticles supporting strong electric and
magnetic resonances have drawn significant attention in recent years. However, until now …
magnetic resonances have drawn significant attention in recent years. However, until now …
Bound states in the continuum in photonic structures
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are a striking example of how a solution to a simple
problem of quantum mechanics, obtained about a century ago, can serve as an incentive to …
problem of quantum mechanics, obtained about a century ago, can serve as an incentive to …
Refractive index sensing with optical bound states in the continuum
We consider refractive index sensing with optical bounds states in the continuum (BICs) in
dielectric gratings. Applying a perturbative approach we derived the differential sensitivity …
dielectric gratings. Applying a perturbative approach we derived the differential sensitivity …
Low‐threshold bound state in the continuum lasers in hybrid lattice resonance metasurfaces
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) have attracted considerable research attention due to
their infinite quality factor (Q‐factor) and extremely localized fields, which drastically …
their infinite quality factor (Q‐factor) and extremely localized fields, which drastically …
Extreme Huygens' metasurfaces based on quasi-bound states in the continuum
We introduce the concept of and a generic approach to realizing extreme Huygens'
metasurfaces by bridging the concepts of Huygens' conditions and optical bound states in …
metasurfaces by bridging the concepts of Huygens' conditions and optical bound states in …
Extraordinary optical fields in nanostructures: from sub-diffraction-limited optics to sensing and energy conversion
Along with the rapid development of micro/nanofabrication technology, the past few decades
have seen the flourishing emergence of subwavelength-structured materials and interfaces …
have seen the flourishing emergence of subwavelength-structured materials and interfaces …