Screening for Problematic Pornography Use with the Brief Pornography Screen: A Sco** Review (Current Addiction Reports)

R Engelhardt, J Maes, BM Way, NC Borgogna… - Current Addiction …, 2025 - Springer
Abstract Purpose of the Review Four years after the publication of the Brief Pornography
Screen (BPS), this review was undertaken to identify the scope of validation research on this …

Another failure of the latent disease model? The case of compulsive sexual behavior disorder•: Commentary to the debate:“Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”

NC Borgogna, SL Aita - Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2022 -
Recent debates have evolved regarding the classification/conceptualization of compulsive
sexual behavior disorder (CSBD). Conclusions regarding an agreed upon CSBD model are …

[HTML][HTML] –Sexual Marketplace

E Goerling, E Wolfe - Introduction to Human Sexuality, 2024 -
As a bridge between the last section on sexual disorders and treatment, we begin to make
our way to the topic of the sexual marketplace and sex work by first examining the …

A Feasibility Study of a CBT-group Treatment for Hypersexual Disorder in Women

T Mejias Nihlén - 2021 -
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility of a treatment for hypersexual
disorder (HD) by calculating and reporting the results with precollected data from a research …

Rozwój wiedzy na temat kompulsywnych zachowań seksualnych-Autoreferat Mateusz Gola

M Gola - 2022 -
Autoreferat opisuje zrealizowane w latach 2014-2022 przez zespół Mateusza Goli badania,
które doprowadziły do znaczącego pogłębienia wiedzy na temat psychologicznych …

Correlatos cerebrais do comportamento sexual compulsivo: uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise fMRI

DAP Branco - 2021 -
Historicamente, em psiquiatria eram utilizados os termos de satyriasis ou de donjuanismo
para os homens e de nymphomania para as mulheres que eram caracterizados por um …