Progress and uncertainties in global and hemispheric temperature reconstructions of the Common Era
Global and hemispheric temperature reconstructions provide an important means of placing
recent anthropogenic temperature trends in the context of preindustrial climate variations …
recent anthropogenic temperature trends in the context of preindustrial climate variations …
Dendroarchaeology in Europe
Human evolution was strongly related to environmental factors. Woodlands and their
products played a key role in the production of tools and weapons, and provided unique …
products played a key role in the production of tools and weapons, and provided unique …
Increasing prevalence of hot drought across western North America since the 16th century
Across western North America (WNA), 20th-21st century anthropogenic warming has
increased the prevalence and severity of concurrent drought and heat events, also termed …
increased the prevalence and severity of concurrent drought and heat events, also termed …
Fennoscandian tree-ring anatomy shows a warmer modern than medieval climate
Earth system models and various climate proxy sources indicate global warming is
unprecedented during at least the Common Era. However, tree-ring proxies often estimate …
unprecedented during at least the Common Era. However, tree-ring proxies often estimate …
[HTML][HTML] Prominent role of volcanism in Common Era climate variability and human history
Climate reconstructions for the Common Era are compromised by the paucity of annually-
resolved and absolutely-dated proxy records prior to medieval times. Where reconstructions …
resolved and absolutely-dated proxy records prior to medieval times. Where reconstructions …
[HTML][HTML] Recent summer warming over the western Mediterranean region is unprecedented since medieval times
Contextualising anthropogenic warming and investigating linkages between past climate
variability and human history require high-resolution temperature reconstructions that …
variability and human history require high-resolution temperature reconstructions that …
Lunar eclipses illuminate timing and climate impact of medieval volcanism
Explosive volcanism is a key contributor to climate variability on interannual to centennial
timescales. Understanding the far-field societal impacts of eruption-forced climatic changes …
timescales. Understanding the far-field societal impacts of eruption-forced climatic changes …
Growth-ring boundaries of tropical tree species: Aiding delimitation by long histological sections and wood density profiles
MT Quintilhan, L Santini Jr, DRO Rodriguez… - …, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent methodological advances have opened new perspectives for tropical
dendrochonological studies by facilitating the visualization, delimitation, and analyses of …
dendrochonological studies by facilitating the visualization, delimitation, and analyses of …
[PDF][PDF] Dendrochronology: Fundamentals and innovations
This chapter overviews long-standing foundations, methods, and concepts of
dendrochronology, yet also pays attention to a few related paradigm shifts driven by isotope …
dendrochronology, yet also pays attention to a few related paradigm shifts driven by isotope …
Ultra-high-resolution reflected-light imaging for dendrochronology
Dendroclimatic reconstructions play a key role in contextualizing recent climate change by
improving our understanding of past climate variability. The Blue Intensity (BI) measurement …
improving our understanding of past climate variability. The Blue Intensity (BI) measurement …