Female competition and aggression: interdisciplinary perspectives
This paper introduces a Theme Issue combining interdisciplinary perspectives in the study of
female competition and aggression. Despite a history of being largely overlooked, evidence …
female competition and aggression. Despite a history of being largely overlooked, evidence …
Competitive females are successful females; phenotype, mechanism, and selection in a common songbird
In a variety of taxa, male reproductive success is positively related to the expression of costly
traits such as large body size, ornaments, armaments, and aggression. These traits are …
traits such as large body size, ornaments, armaments, and aggression. These traits are …
Interspecific Competition Influences Fitness Benefits of Assortative Mating for Territorial Aggression in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis)
Territorial aggression influences fitness and, in monogamous pairs, the behavior of both
individuals could impact reproductive success. Moreover, territorial aggression is particularly …
individuals could impact reproductive success. Moreover, territorial aggression is particularly …
Conspecific density and habitat quality drive the defence and vocal behaviour of a territorial passerine
Territorial defence depends on highly interrelated factors such as food abundance and
conspecific density. We used Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti as a model species to …
conspecific density. We used Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti as a model species to …
Life history trade-offs and behavioral sensitivity to testosterone: an experimental test when female aggression and maternal care co-occur
Research on male animals suggests that the hormone testosterone plays a central role in
mediating the trade-off between mating effort and parental effort. However, the direct links …
mediating the trade-off between mating effort and parental effort. However, the direct links …
Female song rates in response to simulated intruder are positively related to reproductive success
Bird song is well studied in males as a sexually selected behavior. However, although song
is also common among females, it is infrequently examined and poorly understood …
is also common among females, it is infrequently examined and poorly understood …
Scope and adaptive value of modulating aggression over breeding stages in a competitive female bird
In seasonally breeding animals, the costs and benefits of territorial aggression should vary
over time; however, little work thus far has directly examined the scope and adaptive value …
over time; however, little work thus far has directly examined the scope and adaptive value …
Costs and benefits of competitive traits in females: aggression, maternal care and reproductive success
Recent research has shown that female expression of competitive traits can be
advantageous, providing greater access to limited reproductive resources. In males …
advantageous, providing greater access to limited reproductive resources. In males …
Female song and aggression show contrasting relationships to reproductive success when habitat quality differs
Though well studied in males, little is known about the factors influencing variation in
expression of exaggerated traits such as intense aggression, elaborate ornaments, and …
expression of exaggerated traits such as intense aggression, elaborate ornaments, and …
Female plumage coloration signals status to conspecifics
Intrasexual competition in female birds is a widespread phenomenon but remains scarcely
explored. Females compete for limited resources and the expression of signals that indicate …
explored. Females compete for limited resources and the expression of signals that indicate …