[HTML][HTML] AI-teaming: Redefining collaboration in the digital era
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into human teams, forming human-AI teams (HATs), is a
rapidly evolving field. This overview examines the complexities of team constellations and …
rapidly evolving field. This overview examines the complexities of team constellations and …
From teams to teamness: Future directions in the science of team cognition
Objective We review the current state-of-the-art in team cognition research, but more
importantly describe the limitations of existing theories, laboratory paradigms, and measures …
importantly describe the limitations of existing theories, laboratory paradigms, and measures …
Enhancing AI-Assisted Group Decision Making through LLM-Powered Devil's Advocate
Group decision making plays a crucial role in our complex and interconnected world. The
rise of AI technologies has the potential to provide data-driven insights to facilitate group …
rise of AI technologies has the potential to provide data-driven insights to facilitate group …
Human-autonomy Teaming: Need for a guiding team-based framework?
Whereas high-performance teamwork has been studied empirically for 70 years, a new form
of teaming is on the rise. Enabled through the rapid progression of artificial intelligence, a …
of teaming is on the rise. Enabled through the rapid progression of artificial intelligence, a …
Are two heads better than one in ai-assisted decision making? comparing the behavior and performance of groups and individuals in human-ai collaborative …
With the prevalence of AI assistance in decision making, a more relevant question to ask
than the classical question of “are two heads better than one?''is how groups' behavior and …
than the classical question of “are two heads better than one?''is how groups' behavior and …
Investigating AI teammate communication strategies and their impact in human-AI teams for effective teamwork
Recently, AI is integrating into teams to collaborate with humans as a teammate with the
goal of achieving unprecedented team outcomes. Much of the coordination between …
goal of achieving unprecedented team outcomes. Much of the coordination between …
Artificial intelligence and groups: Effects of attitudes and discretion on collaboration
We theorize about human-team collaboration with AI by drawing upon research in groups
and teams, social psychology, information systems, engineering, and beyond. Based on our …
and teams, social psychology, information systems, engineering, and beyond. Based on our …
Integrating AI in organizations for value creation through Human-AI teaming: A dynamic-capabilities approach
Although the potentialities of artificial intelligence (AI) are motivating its fast integration in
organizations, our knowledge on how to capture organizational value out of these …
organizations, our knowledge on how to capture organizational value out of these …
Empirically understanding the potential impacts and process of social influence in human-AI teams
In the coming years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be applied as a teammate that works
alongside and collaborates with humans. Prior research in teaming and CSCW has shown …
alongside and collaborates with humans. Prior research in teaming and CSCW has shown …
Understanding student perceptions of artificial intelligence as a teammate
This article examines students' opinions regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as a
teammate in solving complex problems. The overarching goal of the study is to explore the …
teammate in solving complex problems. The overarching goal of the study is to explore the …