Future-proofing environmental DNA and trait-based predictions of food webs
Food webs represent trophic interactions within ecosystems. Matching traits of consumers
and resources helps infer trophic interactions and food-web properties. Environmental (e) …
and resources helps infer trophic interactions and food-web properties. Environmental (e) …
Marine heatwaves disrupt ecosystem structure and function via altered food webs and energy flux
The prevalence and intensity of marine heatwaves is increasing globally, disrupting local
environmental conditions. The individual and population-level impacts of prolonged …
environmental conditions. The individual and population-level impacts of prolonged …
Novel feeding interactions amplify the impact of species redistribution on an Arctic food web
Species are redistributing globally in response to climate warming, impacting ecosystem
functions and services. In the Barents Sea, poleward expansion of boreal species and a …
functions and services. In the Barents Sea, poleward expansion of boreal species and a …
A network perspective on the vectoring of human disease
Blood-sucking insects are important vectors of disease, with biting Diptera (flies) alone
transmitting diseases that cause an estimated 700 000 human deaths a year. Insect vectors …
transmitting diseases that cause an estimated 700 000 human deaths a year. Insect vectors …
Disentangling temporal food web dynamics facilitates understanding of ecosystem functioning
Studying how food web structure and function vary through time represents an opportunity to
better comprehend and anticipate ecosystem changes. Yet, temporal studies of highly …
better comprehend and anticipate ecosystem changes. Yet, temporal studies of highly …
Spatio-temporal patterns of multi-trophic biodiversity and food-web characteristics uncovered across a river catchment using environmental DNA
Accurate characterisation of ecological communities with respect to their biodiversity and
food-web structure is essential for conservation. However, combined empirical study of …
food-web structure is essential for conservation. However, combined empirical study of …
Fine‐tuning biodiversity assessments: A framework to pair eDNA metabarcoding and morphological approaches
Accurate quantification of biodiversity can be demanding and expensive. Although
environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding can facilitate biodiversity assessments through …
environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding can facilitate biodiversity assessments through …
Food web rewiring drives long-term compositional differences and late-disturbance interactions at the community level
Ecological communities are constantly exposed to multiple natural and anthropogenic
disturbances. Multivariate composition (if recovered) has been found to need significantly …
disturbances. Multivariate composition (if recovered) has been found to need significantly …
Dynamics of species-rich predator–prey networks and seasonal alternations of core species
In nature, entangled webs of predator–prey interactions constitute the backbones of
ecosystems. Uncovering the network architecture of such trophic interactions has been …
ecosystems. Uncovering the network architecture of such trophic interactions has been …
Competing with each other: Fish isotopic niche in two resource availability contexts
Introduction Competition embodies species struggle for space and food and is, therefore, a
critical evolutionary mechanism influencing species spatiotemporal patterns and …
critical evolutionary mechanism influencing species spatiotemporal patterns and …