Factors influencing academic performance and dropout rates in higher education

Á Kocsis, G Molnár - Oxford Review of Education, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the most frequently used research
methods and factors influencing academic performance, based on a pool of 95 studies …

Academic engagement and dropout intention in undergraduate university students

PR Álvarez-Pérez, D López-Aguilar… - Journal of College …, 2024‏ - journals.sagepub.com
The relationship between engagement and the intention to drop out was the focus of this
research. Following an empirical–analytical approach, a sample of 1,122 university students …

Investigating professional identity formation of postgraduate clinical psychology students

RB Foo, HJ Green - Australian Psychologist, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
Objective Little research has investigated professional identity in Australian clinical
psychology postgraduate students. The current study examined potential predictors of …

[PDF][PDF] El engagement académico y su incidencia en el rendimiento del alumnado de grado de la Universidad de La Laguna

D López-Aguilar, PR Álvarez-Pérez… - … . Revista Electrónica de …, 2021‏ - redalyc.org
La actitud y la implicación con la que los estudiantes universitarios de grado afrontan su
proceso formativo puede incidir de manera significativa en los resultados académicos que …

From onsite to online: Perspectives on preservice teachers' instructional engagement

R Alda - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and …, 2023‏ - ijlter.myres.net
The abrupt transition from onsite to online learning modality has presented educational
institutions with both challenges and opportunities. As institutions are slowly moving towards …

The moderating effect of physical exercises on job stress, emotional intelligence, and teaching satisfaction among Chinese University teachers

M Zhao, Y Yu, KF Sin - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2024‏ - nature.com
This study presents a conceptual model that investigates teaching satisfaction as an
outcome variable in mainland China. The model incorporates the mediating mechanism of …

Streaming of EFL students: evaluation of effectiveness

G Borschenko - European Proceedings of Social and …, 2020‏ - europeanproceedings.com
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of streaming on the effectiveness of
mastering a subject (on the example of the discipline “Foreign Language”). The 2nd year …

[PDF][PDF] Determinantes de pérdida de becas universitarias en un programa social de Perú dirigido a estudiantes procedentes de familias pobres y vulnerables

VS Cóndor - RELIEVE. Revista Electrónica de Investigación y …, 2022‏ - redalyc.org
La culminación de los estudios es el objetivo final de los sistemas de educación superior y
el mayor reto de las políticas de financiamiento, en tanto la deserción implica no solo una …

The research context of artificial intelligence and gamification to improve student engagement and attendance in higher education

V Limonova, A Santos… - RE@ D–Revista de …, 2023‏ - repositorioaberto.uab.pt
A significant concern that is widely discussed in the field of Higher Education is declining
student participation. In several institutions, attendance is optional, allowing students to …

Assisting higher education learners online to acquire self-regulated writing strategies during Covid-19

M Şeker, BI Karagül - Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital …, 2021‏ - dergipark.org.tr
Background: The abrupt transition to virtual language learning environments due to the
Covid-19 pandemic has brought considerable challenges to educational practices. In the …