Theory and simulations of ionic liquids in nanoconfinement
Room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have exciting properties such as nonvolatility, large
electrochemical windows, and remarkable variety, drawing much interest in energy storage …
electrochemical windows, and remarkable variety, drawing much interest in energy storage …
Ionic liquids at electrified interfaces
MV Fedorov, AA Kornyshev - Chemical reviews, 2014 - ACS Publications
Until recently,“room-temperature”(< 100− 150 C) liquidstate electrochemistry was mostly
electrochemistry of diluted electrolytes 1− 4 where dissolved salt ions were surrounded by a …
electrochemistry of diluted electrolytes 1− 4 where dissolved salt ions were surrounded by a …
Ionic liquids in confined geometries
S Perkin - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012 - pubs.rsc.org
Over recent years the Surface Force Apparatus (SFA) has been used to carry out model
experiments revealing structural and dynamic properties of ionic liquids confined to thin …
experiments revealing structural and dynamic properties of ionic liquids confined to thin …
Mean-field theory of electrical double layer in ionic liquids with account of short-range correlations
We develop the theory of the electrical double layer in ionic liquids as proposed earlier by
Kornyshev (2007). In the free energy function we keep the so called 'short-range correlation …
Kornyshev (2007). In the free energy function we keep the so called 'short-range correlation …
Perspective: Coulomb fluids—weak coupling, strong coupling, in between and beyond
We present a personal view on the current state of statistical mechanics of Coulomb fluids
with special emphasis on the interactions between macromolecular surfaces, concentrating …
with special emphasis on the interactions between macromolecular surfaces, concentrating …
Ionic Coulomb blockade as a fractional Wien effect
Recent advances in nanofluidics have allowed the exploration of ion transport down to
molecular-scale confinement, yet artificial porins are still far from reaching the advanced …
molecular-scale confinement, yet artificial porins are still far from reaching the advanced …
Breakdown of electroneutrality in nanopores
Ion transport in extremely narrow nanochannels has gained increasing interest in recent
years due to unique physical properties at the nanoscale and the technological advances …
years due to unique physical properties at the nanoscale and the technological advances …
Charge oscillations in ionic liquids: A microscopic cluster model
In spite of their enormous applications as alternative energy storage devices and lubricants,
room-temperature ionic liquids (ILs) still pose many challenges from a pure scientific …
room-temperature ionic liquids (ILs) still pose many challenges from a pure scientific …
Structural interactions in ionic liquids linked to higher-order Poisson-Boltzmann equations
We present a derivation of generalized Poisson-Boltzmann equations starting from classical
theories of binary fluid mixtures, employing an approach based on the Legendre transform …
theories of binary fluid mixtures, employing an approach based on the Legendre transform …
The simplest model of charge storage in single file metallic nanopores
AA Kornyshev - Faraday Discussions, 2013 - pubs.rsc.org
The problem of voltage controlled accumulation of ions in a narrow nanopore, which can
accommodate just one row of ions of an ionic liquid and is filled with ions when the electrode …
accommodate just one row of ions of an ionic liquid and is filled with ions when the electrode …