The magnetic genome of two-dimensional van der Waals materials
Magnetism in two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials has recently emerged as
one of the most promising areas in condensed matter research, with many exciting emerging …
one of the most promising areas in condensed matter research, with many exciting emerging …
Emergent phenomena at oxide interfaces
Recent technical advances in the atomic-scale synthesis of oxide heterostructures have
provided a fertile new ground for creating novel states at their interfaces. Different symmetry …
provided a fertile new ground for creating novel states at their interfaces. Different symmetry …
Anomalous Hall crystals in rhombohedral multilayer graphene. I. Interaction-driven Chern bands and fractional quantum Hall states at zero magnetic field
Recent experiments on rhombohedral pentalayer graphene with a substrate-induced moiré
potential have identified both Chern insulators and fractional quantum Hall states at zero …
potential have identified both Chern insulators and fractional quantum Hall states at zero …
Half-and quarter-metals in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
Ferromagnetism is most common in transition metal compounds where electrons occupy
highly localized d orbitals. However, ferromagnetic order may also arise in low-density two …
highly localized d orbitals. However, ferromagnetic order may also arise in low-density two …
Flavour Hund's coupling, Chern gaps and charge diffusivity in moiré graphene
Interaction-driven spontaneous symmetry breaking lies at the heart of many quantum
phases of matter. In moiré systems, broken spin/valley 'flavour'symmetry in flat bands …
phases of matter. In moiré systems, broken spin/valley 'flavour'symmetry in flat bands …
Direct observation of a magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystal
Wigner predicted that when the Coulomb interactions between electrons become much
stronger than their kinetic energy, electrons crystallize into a closely packed lattice. A variety …
stronger than their kinetic energy, electrons crystallize into a closely packed lattice. A variety …
Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure
One of the first theoretically predicted manifestations of strong interactions in many-electron
systems was the Wigner crystal,–, in which electrons crystallize into a regular lattice. The …
systems was the Wigner crystal,–, in which electrons crystallize into a regular lattice. The …
Low-depth quantum simulation of materials
Quantum simulation of the electronic structure problem is one of the most researched
applications of quantum computing. The majority of quantum algorithms for this problem …
applications of quantum computing. The majority of quantum algorithms for this problem …
Encoding electronic spectra in quantum circuits with linear T complexity
We construct quantum circuits that exactly encode the spectra of correlated electron models
up to errors from rotation synthesis. By invoking these circuits as oracles within the recently …
up to errors from rotation synthesis. By invoking these circuits as oracles within the recently …
Sublattice structure and topology in spontaneously crystallized electronic states
The prediction and realization of the quantum anomalous Hall effect are often intimately
connected to honeycomb lattices in which the sublattice degree of freedom plays a central …
connected to honeycomb lattices in which the sublattice degree of freedom plays a central …