[HTML][HTML] Machine learning methods in CFD for turbomachinery: A review

J Hammond, N Pepper, F Montomoli… - International Journal of …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Computational Fluid Dynamics is one of the most relied upon tools in the design and
analysis of components in turbomachines. From the propulsion fan at the inlet, through the …

Multidisciplinary structural optimization of novel high-aspect ratio composite aircraft wings

S Kilimtzidis, V Kostopoulos - Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2023 - Springer
Novel high-aspect ratio airframe designs pave the way for a more sustainable aviation
future. Such configurations enhance the aerodynamic efficiency of an aircraft through …

Describing airspace complexity: Airspace response to disturbances

K Lee, E Feron, A Pritchett - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2009 - arc.aiaa.org
THE air traffic management (ATM) system provides services for safe and efficient aircraft
operations to transport people and goods [1, 2]. The airspace in the United States is divided …

Preliminary aeroelastic design of composite wings subjected to critical gust loads

D Rajpal, E Gillebaart, R De Breuker - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
Including a gust analysis in an optimization framework is computationally expensive as the
critical load cases are not known a priori and hence a large number of points within the flight …

A survey on the applications of machine learning in the early phases of product development

SS Shabestari, M Herzog, B Bender - Proceedings of the Design …, 2019 - cambridge.org
Machine learning has shown its potential to support the knowledge extraction within the
development processes and particularly in the early phases where critical decisions have to …

A probabilistic approach for examining aircraft concept feasibility and viability

DN Mavris, DA DeLaurentis - Aircraft Design, 2000 - Elsevier
A novel approach to assessing aircraft system feasibility and viability is presented, with
special emphasis on modeling and estimating the impact of new technologies. The …

[PDF][PDF] A generalized sizing method for revolutionary concepts under probabilistic design constraints

T Nam - 2007 - Citeseer
Since the Wright brothers' first flight, aerospace endeavors have achieved enormous
advancement in technology, both commercial and military. The fabric-covered wooden …

Investigating physical solutions in the architectural design of distributed ship service systems

CPF Shields, DT Rigterink, DJ Singer - Ocean Engineering, 2017 - Elsevier
The design of distributed ship service systems, or distributed systems, integrates concepts of
vessel layout, system functionality, and the distributed systems configuration. Understanding …

[CARTE][B] An intelligent, knowledge-based multiple criteria decision making advisor for systems design

Y Li - 2007 - Citeseer
My fellow graduate students have also been enormously helpful throughout the course of my
studies. Specifically, I would like to thank Henry Won, Tori Thomas, Samson Lim, Santiago …

A network science approach to understanding and generating ship arrangements in early-stage design

JW Gillespie - 2012 - search.proquest.com
In recent years, automated approaches for creating ship general arrangements in early-
stage design have been developed. These approaches seek to avoid" black box" …