On the minimum leaf conductance: its role in models of plant water use, and ecological and environmental controls
Contents Summary 693 I. Introduction 693 II. Comparison of various definitions and
measurement techniques of minimum conductance 694 III. Cuticular conductance 695 IV …
measurement techniques of minimum conductance 694 III. Cuticular conductance 695 IV …
Beyond the extreme: recovery of carbon and water relations in woody plants following heat and drought stress
Plant responses to drought and heat stress have been extensively studied, whereas post-
stress recovery, which is fundamental to understanding stress resilience, has received much …
stress recovery, which is fundamental to understanding stress resilience, has received much …
Non-native Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in Central Europe: Ecology, performance and nature conservation
FM Thomas, A Rzepecki, W Werner - Forest Ecology and Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Against the background of the ongoing climate change, forest science and Central-
European forest management need information about tree species that are suitable of …
European forest management need information about tree species that are suitable of …
Contrasting heat tolerance of evergreen and deciduous urban woody species during heat waves
H Zhang, Q Ning, Q Li, Y **, Y Cao… - Functional …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves caused significant damages to urban
woody species, and the different leaf structures between evergreen and deciduous species …
woody species, and the different leaf structures between evergreen and deciduous species …
Repeated extreme heatwaves result in higher leaf thermal tolerances and greater safety margins
The frequency and severity of heatwave events are increasing, exposing species to
conditions beyond their physiological limits. Species respond to heatwaves in different ways …
conditions beyond their physiological limits. Species respond to heatwaves in different ways …
Seasonal variability of forest sensitivity to heat and drought stresses: a synthesis based on carbon fluxes from North American forest ecosystems
Climate extremes such as heat waves and droughts are projected to occur more frequently
with increasing temperature and an intensified hydrological cycle. It is important to …
with increasing temperature and an intensified hydrological cycle. It is important to …
Physiological recovery of tree water relations upon drought release—response of mature beech and spruce after five years of recurrent summer drought
As climate change progresses, the frequency and duration of drought stress events are
increasing. While the mechanisms of drought acclimation of trees has received considerable …
increasing. While the mechanisms of drought acclimation of trees has received considerable …
[HTML][HTML] Toward the genetic improvement of drought tolerance in conifers: An integrated approach
P Baldi, N La Porta - Forests, 2022 - mdpi.com
The constant rise in the global temperature and unpredictable shifts in precipitation patterns
are two of the main effects of climate change. Therefore, there is an increasing amount of …
are two of the main effects of climate change. Therefore, there is an increasing amount of …
Heat and drought impact on carbon exchange in an age-sequence of temperate pine forests
Abstract Background Most North American temperate forests are plantation or regrowth
forests, which are actively managed. These forests are in different stages of their growth …
forests, which are actively managed. These forests are in different stages of their growth …
[HTML][HTML] Contrasting responses of stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity to warming and elevated CO2 in the tropical tree species Alchornea glandulosa …
Factorial experiments of combined warming and elevated CO 2 are rarely performed but
essential for our understanding of plant physiological responses to climate change. Studies …
essential for our understanding of plant physiological responses to climate change. Studies …