[HTML][HTML] Progress in dark tourism and thanatourism research: An uneasy relationship with heritage tourism

D Light - Tourism management, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper reviews academic research into dark tourism and thanatourism over the 1996–
2016 period. The aims of this paper are threefold. First, it reviews the evolution of the …

Dark tourism scholarship: A critical review

P Stone - International Journal of Culture, Tourism and …, 2013 - emerald.com
Purpose–Commonly referred to as dark tourism or thanatourism, the act of touristic travel to
sites of or sites associated with death and disaster has gained significant attention with …

[CARTE][B] Consumer behaviour in tourism

S Horner, J Swarbrooke - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Now fully revised and updated, the fourth edition of this bestselling text provides students
with a vital understanding of the nature of tourism and contemporary tourist behaviour. It also …

Dark tourism and affect: Framing places of death and disaster

A Martini, DM Buda - Current Issues in Tourism, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This conceptual article brings to the attention of tourism scholars new possibilities to theorize
dark tourism as an affective socio-spatial encounter. To do so, we frame dark tourism within …

[CARTE][B] Tourism, tourists and society

R Sharpley - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Tourism, Tourists and Society provides a broad introduction to the inter-relationship between
tourism and society, making complex sociological concepts and themes accessible to …

[CARTE][B] Mediating memory in the museum: Trauma, empathy, nostalgia

S Arnold-de-Simine, S Arnold-de Simine - 2013 - books.google.com
Mediating Memory in the Museum is a contribution to an emerging field of research that is
situated at the interface between memory studies and museum studies. It highlights the role …

Dark tourism and significant other death: Towards a model of mortality mediation

PR Stone - Annals of tourism research, 2012 - Elsevier
Dark tourism and the commodification of death has become a pervasive feature within the
contemporary visitor economy. Drawing upon the thanatological condition of society and a …

Dark tourism

J Lennon - 2017 - researchonline.gcu.ac.uk
Dark tourism has passed into the language and study of tourism since it was first designated
as such in 1996 (see Lennon & Foley, 1996; Seaton, 1996). It is now established as a term …

Dark tourism: Motivations and visit intentions of tourists

H Lewis, T Schrier, S Xu - International Hospitality Review, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to utilize the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
in combination with four dark tourism constructs (dark experience, engaging entertainment …

An examination of tourists' national identity, place attachment and loyalty at a dark tourist destination

R Dandotiya, A Aggarwal - Kybernetes, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The question of whether tourist destinations established in the aftermath of a
disaster will attract visitors remains unanswered. This study attempts to answer this question …