Roadmap towards new generation liquid metal thermal interface materials

X Zhang, ZS Deng - Science China Technological Sciences, 2023‏ - Springer
As electronic devices continue to evolve toward miniaturization and integration, traditional
thermal interface materials (TIMs) are no longer able to meet the ever-tougher thermal …

A perspective on diamond composites and their electrochemical applications

Z Jian, J Xu, N Yang, S Han, X Jiang - Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Diamond composites have gained increasing interests because of their outstanding
properties (eg robust mechanical properties, high conductivity and activity, good chemical …

Enhanced nucleate pool boiling on copper-diamond textured surfaces

RJ MacNamara, TL Lupton, R Lupoi… - Applied Thermal …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
This work describes an experimental investigation of enhanced nucleate pool boiling of
water on textured surfaces. The textured surfaces are formed atop thin Copper-Diamond …

Metallurgical bonding between metal matrix and core-shelled reinforcements in cold sprayed composite coating

S Yin, J Cizek, C Chen, R Jenkins, G O'Donnell… - Scripta Materialia, 2020‏ - Elsevier
The cohesion mechanism of cold sprayed metal matrix composite coating reinforced with
core-shell-structured particles was studied. Al and Cu-Ni-coated diamond were used as the …

Solid state additive manufacture of highly-reflective Al coatings using cold spray

R Jenkins, B Aldwell, S Yin, S Chandra… - Optics & Laser …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
This research presents the results of an investigation into the additive manufacture of
reflective Al coatings using cold spray (CS). This work is the first time that CS technology has …

The role of particles flow characteristics in the performance of cold spray nozzles

R Lupoi, M Meyer, WW Wits, S Yin - CIRP Annals, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Cold Spray (CS) is an emerging process, attracting much interest both as a coating and
additive technique due to its solid-state nature and high deposition rates. The key element of …

Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Cold-Sprayed Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite Coating

S Liang, Y Wang, B Normand, Y **e, J Tang, H Zhang… - Materials, 2023‏ -
The aluminum-basalt fiber composite coating was prepared for the first time with basalt fiber
as the spraying material by cold-spraying technology. Hybrid deposition behavior was …

Cold spray: a disruptive technology for enabling novel packaging thermomechanical solutions

F Eid, A Uppal, J Swan - 2021 IEEE 71st Electronic …, 2021‏ -
This paper presents cold spray as a nascent semiconductor packaging capability with
promising thermomechanical applications. Cold spray enables fast, low temperature, solid …

Experimental study on the effect of surface texture on tribological properties of nanodiamond films under water lubrication

Y Yan, X Lei, Y He - … of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal …, 2022‏ -
The effect of nanoscale surface texture on the frictional and wear performances of
nanocrystalline diamond films under water-lubricating conditions were comparatively …

[PDF][PDF] 高导热涂层制备及其性能研究进展

林宁, **伟青, 康嘉杰, 秦文波, 岳文, 佘丁顺, 王成彪 - 表面技术, 2021‏ -
随着高集成技术, 微电子封装技术, 大功率LED 技术以及超级计算机的迅猛发展, 小型化,
微型化与轻薄化成为现代及未来电子设备, 电子电路的发展潮流, 因此对散热要求越来越高 …