Dynamical friction in the quasi-linear formulation of modified Newtonian dynamics (QuMOND)
Aims. We explore the dynamical friction on a test mass in gravitational systems in the quasi-
linear formulation of modified Newtonian dynamics (QuMOND). Methods. Exploiting the …
linear formulation of modified Newtonian dynamics (QuMOND). Methods. Exploiting the …
Dynamics of intermediate mass black holes in globular clusters-Wander radius and anisotropy profiles
Context. We recently introduced a new method for simulating collisional gravitational N-body
systems with approximately linear time scaling with N. Our method is based on the multi …
systems with approximately linear time scaling with N. Our method is based on the multi …
Relativistic dynamical friction in stellar systems
Aims. We extend the classical formulation of the dynamical friction effect on a test star by
Chandrasekhar to the case of relativistic velocities and velocity distributions, also accounting …
Chandrasekhar to the case of relativistic velocities and velocity distributions, also accounting …
Detection of Intermediate-Mass Ratio Inspirals in Globular Clusters: Revealing the Brownian Motion with Gravitational Waves
Intermediate-mass ratio inspirals (IMRIs) formed by stellar-mass compact objects orbiting
intermediate-mass black holes will be detected by future gravitational wave (GW) …
intermediate-mass black holes will be detected by future gravitational wave (GW) …
Discreteness effects, N-body chaos and the onset of radial-orbit instability
We study the stability of a family of spherical equilibrium models of self-gravitating systems,
the so-called γ models with Osipkov–Merritt velocity anisotropy, by means of N-body …
the so-called γ models with Osipkov–Merritt velocity anisotropy, by means of N-body …
Introducing a new multi-particle collision method for the evolution of dense stellar systems-Crash-test N-body simulations
Context. Stellar systems are broadly divided into collisional and non-collisional categories.
While the latter are large-N systems with long relaxation timescales and can be simulated …
While the latter are large-N systems with long relaxation timescales and can be simulated …
Gravitational Brownian motion as inhomogeneous diffusion: Black hole populations in globular clusters
Recent theoretical and numerical developments supported by observational evidence
strongly suggest that many globular clusters host a black hole (BH) population in their …
strongly suggest that many globular clusters host a black hole (BH) population in their …
Thermal equilibrium of an ideal gas in a free-floating box
The equilibrium and fluctuations of an ideal gas in a rigid container are studied by every
student of statistical mechanics. Here, we examine the less well-known case when the box is …
student of statistical mechanics. Here, we examine the less well-known case when the box is …