[HTML][HTML] Internet of things for system integrity: A comprehensive survey on security, attacks and countermeasures for industrial applications
The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) offers numerous opportunities for develo**
industrial applications such as smart grids, smart cities, smart manufacturers, etc. By utilising …
industrial applications such as smart grids, smart cities, smart manufacturers, etc. By utilising …
Middleware for the Internet of Things: A survey on requirements, enabling technologies, and solutions
As the core layer of the Internet of Things (IoT), middleware bridges the gap between
applications and devices to resolve many common IoT issues and enhancing application …
applications and devices to resolve many common IoT issues and enhancing application …
Lightweight anonymous authentication protocol for resource-constrained smart home devices based on elliptic curve cryptography
VO Nyangaresi - Journal of Systems Architecture, 2022 - Elsevier
The communication channel between the smart home devices and the remote users is
susceptible to numerous privacy and security compromise attacks. To address these issues …
susceptible to numerous privacy and security compromise attacks. To address these issues …
Smart grid security and privacy: From conventional to machine learning issues (threats and countermeasures)
Smart Grid (SG) is the revolutionised power network characterised by a bidirectional flow of
energy and information between customers and suppliers. The integration of power …
energy and information between customers and suppliers. The integration of power …
Privacy and security of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) data and network: a comprehensive review
The traditional electrical grid has to be digitally improved as digitalization and effective
integration of renewable energy bring better efficiency, intelligence, and safety into the grid; …
integration of renewable energy bring better efficiency, intelligence, and safety into the grid; …
Blockchain-assisted authentication and key agreement scheme for fog-based smart grid
A Tomar, S Tripathi - Cluster Computing, 2022 - Springer
In recent times, the research works on the integration of fog computing with blockchain to
address the issues such as higher latency, single point of failure, and centralization have …
address the issues such as higher latency, single point of failure, and centralization have …
A robust access control protocol for the smart grid systems
Lightweight cryptography (LWC)-based authenticated encryption with associative data
(AEAD) cryptographic primitives require fewer computational and energy resources than …
(AEAD) cryptographic primitives require fewer computational and energy resources than …
A security-enhanced authentication and key agreement protocol in smart grid
Y Wu, H Guo, Y Han, S Li, J Liu - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the enablement of Internet of Things technology, the electrical grid is currently
undergoing a drastic revolution, which is known as smart grid. Since massive sensitive data …
undergoing a drastic revolution, which is known as smart grid. Since massive sensitive data …
Anonymous authentication protocol based on physical unclonable function and elliptic curve cryptography for smart grid
Smart grid (SG) achieves more convenient and efficient power transmission through the
rapid development of the information and communication technology. In addition to the …
rapid development of the information and communication technology. In addition to the …
[PDF][PDF] A Blockchain-Based Architecture for Securing Industrial IoTs Data in Electric Smart Grid.
There are numerous internet-connected devices attached to the industrial process through
recent communication technologies, which enable machine-to-machine communication and …
recent communication technologies, which enable machine-to-machine communication and …