Tortuosity of porous media: Image analysis and physical simulation
Tortuosity is widely used as a critical parameter to predict transport properties of porous
media, such as rocks and soils. But unlike other standard microstructural properties, the …
media, such as rocks and soils. But unlike other standard microstructural properties, the …
Statistically equivalent representative volume elements (SERVE) for material behaviour analysis and multiscale modelling
Mechanical properties of materials and associated engineered components are controlled
by the material structure at various lengths and time scales. As materials are being further …
by the material structure at various lengths and time scales. As materials are being further …
Recent advances in multiscale digital rock reconstruction, flow simulation, and experiments during shale gas production
The complex and multiscale nature of shale gas transport imposes new challenges to the
already well-developed techniques for conventional reservoirs, especially digital core …
already well-developed techniques for conventional reservoirs, especially digital core …
An improved 3D microstructure reconstruction approach for porous media
Microstructure reconstruction of porous media is vital for the evaluation of material
properties, which has been applied in many fields. Various approaches have been …
properties, which has been applied in many fields. Various approaches have been …
Stochastic reconstruction of 3D microstructures from 2D cross-sectional images using machine learning-based characterization
The availability of high-quality three-dimensional (3D) microstructures is an essential
prerequisite to understanding the macroscopic behaviours of heterogeneous media …
prerequisite to understanding the macroscopic behaviours of heterogeneous media …
Multi-scale reconstruction of porous media from low-resolution core images using conditional generative adversarial networks
Various rocks such as carbonate, coal or shale contain both micro-and macro-pores. To
accurately predict the fluid flow and mechanical properties of these porous media, a multi …
accurately predict the fluid flow and mechanical properties of these porous media, a multi …
A data-driven framework for permeability prediction of natural porous rocks via microstructural characterization and pore-scale simulation
Understanding the microstructure–property relationships of porous media is of great
practical significance, based on which macroscopic physical properties can be directly …
practical significance, based on which macroscopic physical properties can be directly …
Reactor field reconstruction from sparse and movable sensors using Voronoi tessellation-assisted convolutional neural networks
The aging of operational reactors leads to increased mechanical vibrations in the reactor
interior. The vibration of the in-core sensors near their nominal locations is a new problem …
interior. The vibration of the in-core sensors near their nominal locations is a new problem …
Uncertainty quantification of microstructure variability and mechanical behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures
Process-induced defects are the leading cause of discrepancies between as-designed and
as-manufactured additive manufacturing (AM) product behavior. Especially for metal lattices …
as-manufactured additive manufacturing (AM) product behavior. Especially for metal lattices …
Minireview on porous media and microstructure reconstruction using machine learning techniques: Recent advances and outlook
To accurately model and analyze various phenomena in porous media, it is necessary to
have three-dimensional (3D) microstructure samples that genuinely represent the key …
have three-dimensional (3D) microstructure samples that genuinely represent the key …