[ספר][B] Distance sampling: methods and applications
ST Buckland, EA Rexstad, TA Marques, CS Oedekoven - 2015 - Springer
This is the fourth book dedicated to distance sampling. The first (Buckland et al. 1993)
appeared at around the same time as the first version of the Distance software (Laake et al …
appeared at around the same time as the first version of the Distance software (Laake et al …
Deer density and disease prevalence influence transmission of chronic wasting disease in white‐tailed deer
Host‐parasite dynamics and strategies for managing infectious diseases of wildlife depend
on the functional relationship between disease transmission rates and host density …
on the functional relationship between disease transmission rates and host density …
Imperfect detection and wildlife density estimation using aerial surveys with infrared and visible sensors
Aerial vehicles equipped with infrared thermal sensors facilitate quick density estimates of
wildlife, but detection error can arise from the thermal sensor and viewer of the infrared …
wildlife, but detection error can arise from the thermal sensor and viewer of the infrared …
Management of wild pigs
In its earliest form in North America,“wildlife management” was described by Aldo Leopold
(1933) in his book Game Management as “the art of making land produce sustained annual …
(1933) in his book Game Management as “the art of making land produce sustained annual …
Aerial vertical‐looking infrared imagery to evaluate bias of distance sampling techniques for white‐tailed deer
Population monitoring requires techniques that produce estimates with low bias and
adequate precision. Distance sampling using ground‐based thermal infrared imaging …
adequate precision. Distance sampling using ground‐based thermal infrared imaging …
Comparison of occupancy modeling and radiotelemetry to estimate ungulate population dynamics
Radiotelemetry and unmarked occupancy modeling have been used to estimate animal
population growth, but have not been compared for ungulates. We compared white-tailed …
population growth, but have not been compared for ungulates. We compared white-tailed …
Comparison of three techniques to identify and count individual animals in aerial imagery
Whether a species is rare and requires protection or is overabundant and needs control, an
accurate estimate of population size is essential for the development of conservation plans …
accurate estimate of population size is essential for the development of conservation plans …
Status and trends of moose populations and hunting opportunity in the western United States
We review the state of knowledge of moose (Alces alces shirasi) in the western US with
respect to the species' range, population monitoring and management, vegetative …
respect to the species' range, population monitoring and management, vegetative …
A high‐altitude thermal infrared method for estimating moose abundance and demography in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA
Resource managers require accurate estimates of large herbivore abundance and
demography to maintain ecological integrity. Common methods to count these species …
demography to maintain ecological integrity. Common methods to count these species …
Using distance-sampling to estimate density of white-tailed deer in forested, mountainous landscapes in Virginia
Abstract Although Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer, hereafter, Deer) are abundant
on private lands throughout much of the western Virginia mountain region, populations are …
on private lands throughout much of the western Virginia mountain region, populations are …