Hybrid speciation driven by multilocus introgression of ecological traits
Hybridization allows adaptations to be shared among lineages and may trigger the evolution
of new species,. However, convincing examples of homoploid hybrid speciation remain rare …
of new species,. However, convincing examples of homoploid hybrid speciation remain rare …
Evolutionary importance of intraspecific variation in sex pheromones
Sex pheromones in many insect species are important species-recognition signals that
attract conspecifics and inhibit attraction between heterospecifics; therefore, sex …
attract conspecifics and inhibit attraction between heterospecifics; therefore, sex …
Unlike a virgin: a meta-analytical review of female mating status in studies of female mate choice
Studies of female mate choice commonly use virgin females as test subjects, either to control
for the effects of mating or because virgin females are presumed to be more responsive to …
for the effects of mating or because virgin females are presumed to be more responsive to …
Chemical species recognition in an adaptive radiation of Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders (Araneae: Tetragnathidae)
Studies of adaptive radiations have played a central role in our understanding of
reproductive isolation. Yet the focus has been on human-biased visual and auditory signals …
reproductive isolation. Yet the focus has been on human-biased visual and auditory signals …
Host plant effects on sexual selection dynamics in phytophagous insects
Natural selection is notoriously dynamic in nature, and so, too, is sexual selection. The
interactions between phytophagous insects and their host plants have provided valuable …
interactions between phytophagous insects and their host plants have provided valuable …
Integrative taxonomy clarifies species limits in the hitherto monotypic passion‐vine butterfly genera Agraulis and Dryas (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae)
Abstract The Heliconiini genera Agraulis and Dryas are widely distributed throughout the
Neotropics and into adjacent temperate regions, and although they are currently treated as …
Neotropics and into adjacent temperate regions, and although they are currently treated as …
Visual mate preference evolution during butterfly speciation is linked to neural processing genes
Many animal species remain separate not because their individuals fail to produce viable
hybrids but because they “choose” not to mate. However, we still know very little of the …
hybrids but because they “choose” not to mate. However, we still know very little of the …
Neural basis of acoustic species recognition in a cryptic species complex
Sexual traits that promote species recognition are important drivers of reproductive isolation,
especially among closely related species. Identifying neural processes that shape species …
especially among closely related species. Identifying neural processes that shape species …
The scent chemistry of butterflies
S Ehlers, S Schulz - Natural Product Reports, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Covering: 1990 up to 2022 Contrary to popular opinion, butterflies exhibit a rich chemistry
and elaborate use of volatile compounds, especially for sexual communication, but also for …
and elaborate use of volatile compounds, especially for sexual communication, but also for …
Divergence of chemosensing during the early stages of speciation
B van Schooten, J Meléndez-Rosa… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - pnas.org
Chemosensory communication is essential to insect biology, playing indispensable roles
during mate-finding, foraging, and oviposition behaviors. These traits are particularly …
during mate-finding, foraging, and oviposition behaviors. These traits are particularly …