[PDF][PDF] Students' perception towards the use of joox application to improve students' pronunciation
Student in Indonesia has many regional accents. It influences them when they are
pronouncing English words. Most of them thought that pronunciation is quite-hard. However …
pronouncing English words. Most of them thought that pronunciation is quite-hard. However …
This research discussed about student's perception on the use of Webtoon to improve
reading comprehension skill. Webtoon is a new platform that can be used to improve …
reading comprehension skill. Webtoon is a new platform that can be used to improve …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring STUDENTS'ATTITUDE towards English online learning using moodle during COVID-19 pandemic at smk yadika bandarlampung
The ministry of education in Indonesia had declared the spread out of Covid-19 pandemic.
To overcome this current situation, Learning from Home (LFH) is implemented for all …
To overcome this current situation, Learning from Home (LFH) is implemented for all …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan Sistem Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan (Studi Kasus: Sman 1 Gedong Tataan)
Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar kebutuhan akan adanya masalah metode pembelajaran
dimasa COVID-19 dengan menggunakan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk mencari …
dimasa COVID-19 dengan menggunakan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk mencari …
[PDF][PDF] The implementation of project-based assignment in online learning during covid-19
A Yuliansyah, M Ayu - J. English Lang. Teach. Learn, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
By implementation of online systems strategy indirectly forces teachers and students to
master the uses of technology in learning process. Online learning is needed to facilitate the …
master the uses of technology in learning process. Online learning is needed to facilitate the …
[PDF][PDF] Investigating English teaching strategies to reduce online teaching obstacles in the secondary school
NR Putri, FM Sari - J. English Lang. Teach. Learn, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The teachers became the key in teaching-learning activities. Teachers had a relation to the
students' success in learning English. So, the English teachers should know the best …
students' success in learning English. So, the English teachers should know the best …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of using Instagram for increasing vocabulary and listening skill
RW Agustin, M Ayu - Journal of English Language …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Currently studying does not have to use books. There are many media besides books that
can be a place for us to increase our knowledge. At this time the world of technology is …
can be a place for us to increase our knowledge. At this time the world of technology is …
[PDF][PDF] The influence of online Cambridge dictionary toward students' pronunciation and vocabulary mastery
R Ambarwati, B Mandasari - J. English Lang. Teach …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Dictionary has become one important tool for learning a foreign language. Many kinds of
dictionaries can be used for students who want to learn a foreign language. An online …
dictionaries can be used for students who want to learn a foreign language. An online …
[PDF][PDF] Students' point of view on the use of WhatsApp group to elevate writing ability
ET Handayani, D Aminatun - 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Abstract English has been an important language nowadays. The role of the English
language also has become the qualification of many people. However, many students state …
language also has become the qualification of many people. However, many students state …
[PDF][PDF] Secondary students' views towards the Use of Google Clasroom as an online assessments tools during Covid-19 pandemic
MR Choirunnisa, B Mandasari - J. Arts Educ, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Students of SMKN 1 Talangpadang have been conducting online assessment using Google
Classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to reveal students' …
Classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to reveal students' …