[HTML][HTML] A survey of magnetic-field-based indoor localization
Magnetic fields have attracted considerable attention in indoor localization due to their
ubiquitous and infrastructure-free characteristics. This survey provides a comprehensive …
ubiquitous and infrastructure-free characteristics. This survey provides a comprehensive …
Deep learning methods for fingerprint-based indoor positioning: A review
Outdoor positioning systems based on the Global Navigation Satellite System have several
shortcomings that have deemed their use for indoor positioning impractical. Location …
shortcomings that have deemed their use for indoor positioning impractical. Location …
WiDeep: WiFi-based accurate and robust indoor localization system using deep learning
Robust and accurate indoor localization has been the goal of several research efforts over
the past decade. Due to the ubiquitous availability of WiFi indoors, many indoor localization …
the past decade. Due to the ubiquitous availability of WiFi indoors, many indoor localization …
A robust and accurate indoor localization using learning-based fusion of Wi-Fi RTT and RSSI
Great attention has been paid to indoor localization due to its wide range of associated
applications and services. Fingerprinting and time-based localization techniques are among …
applications and services. Fingerprinting and time-based localization techniques are among …
Effectiveness of data augmentation in cellular-based localization using deep learning
Recently, deep learning-based positioning systems have gained attention due to their
higher performance relative to traditional methods. However, obtaining the expected …
higher performance relative to traditional methods. However, obtaining the expected …
Mobility data science: Perspectives and challenges
Mobility data captures the locations of moving objects such as humans, animals, and cars.
With the availability of Global Positioning System (GPS)–equipped mobile devices and other …
With the availability of Global Positioning System (GPS)–equipped mobile devices and other …
WiNar: RTT-based sub-meter indoor localization using commercial devices
WiFi time of flight (ToF) measurement has been supported recently by the wireless LAN
protocols to improve WiFi localization. Specifically, the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard has a …
protocols to improve WiFi localization. Specifically, the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard has a …
WIO-EKF: Extended Kalman filtering-based Wi-Fi and inertial odometry fusion method for indoor localization
Indoor location and navigation technologies are crucial for healthcare, security and other
location-based services. Wi-Fi and inertial sensors have become mainstream indoor …
location-based services. Wi-Fi and inertial sensors have become mainstream indoor …
A comprehensive survey of machine learning based localization with wireless signals
D Burghal, AT Ravi, V Rao, AA Alghafis… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2020 - arxiv.org
The last few decades have witnessed a growing interest in location-based services. Using
localization systems based on Radio Frequency (RF) signals has proven its efficacy for both …
localization systems based on Radio Frequency (RF) signals has proven its efficacy for both …
Accurate indoor positioning using IEEE 802.11 mc round trip time
WiFi time of flight (ToF) measurement has been supported recently by the wireless LAN
protocols to improve WiFi localization. Specifically, the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard has a …
protocols to improve WiFi localization. Specifically, the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard has a …