[HTML][HTML] A survey of magnetic-field-based indoor localization

G Ouyang, K Abed-Meraim - Electronics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Magnetic fields have attracted considerable attention in indoor localization due to their
ubiquitous and infrastructure-free characteristics. This survey provides a comprehensive …

Deep learning methods for fingerprint-based indoor positioning: A review

F Alhomayani, MH Mahoor - Journal of Location Based Services, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Outdoor positioning systems based on the Global Navigation Satellite System have several
shortcomings that have deemed their use for indoor positioning impractical. Location …

WiDeep: WiFi-based accurate and robust indoor localization system using deep learning

M Abbas, M Elhamshary, H Rizk… - 2019 IEEE …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Robust and accurate indoor localization has been the goal of several research efforts over
the past decade. Due to the ubiquitous availability of WiFi indoors, many indoor localization …

A robust and accurate indoor localization using learning-based fusion of Wi-Fi RTT and RSSI

H Rizk, A Elmogy, H Yamaguchi - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Great attention has been paid to indoor localization due to its wide range of associated
applications and services. Fingerprinting and time-based localization techniques are among …

Effectiveness of data augmentation in cellular-based localization using deep learning

H Rizk, A Shokry, M Youssef - 2019 IEEE Wireless …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recently, deep learning-based positioning systems have gained attention due to their
higher performance relative to traditional methods. However, obtaining the expected …

Mobility data science: Perspectives and challenges

M Mokbel, M Sakr, L **ong, A Züfle, J Almeida… - ACM Transactions on …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
Mobility data captures the locations of moving objects such as humans, animals, and cars.
With the availability of Global Positioning System (GPS)–equipped mobile devices and other …

WiNar: RTT-based sub-meter indoor localization using commercial devices

O Hashem, M Youssef… - 2020 IEEE international …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
WiFi time of flight (ToF) measurement has been supported recently by the wireless LAN
protocols to improve WiFi localization. Specifically, the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard has a …

WIO-EKF: Extended Kalman filtering-based Wi-Fi and inertial odometry fusion method for indoor localization

P Zhou, H Wang, R Gravina… - IEEE Internet of Things …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Indoor location and navigation technologies are crucial for healthcare, security and other
location-based services. Wi-Fi and inertial sensors have become mainstream indoor …

A comprehensive survey of machine learning based localization with wireless signals

D Burghal, AT Ravi, V Rao, AA Alghafis… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2020 - arxiv.org
The last few decades have witnessed a growing interest in location-based services. Using
localization systems based on Radio Frequency (RF) signals has proven its efficacy for both …

Accurate indoor positioning using IEEE 802.11 mc round trip time

O Hashem, KA Harras, M Youssef - Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2021 - Elsevier
WiFi time of flight (ToF) measurement has been supported recently by the wireless LAN
protocols to improve WiFi localization. Specifically, the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard has a …