Customer engagement, dependence and loyalty: An empirical study of Chinese customers in multitouch service encounters
The existing literature emphasizes the importance of customer engagement and customer
dependence in service encounters. An essential and typical manifestation of customer …
dependence in service encounters. An essential and typical manifestation of customer …
Effect of AI generated content advertising on consumer engagement
D Du, Y Zhang, J Ge - International conference on human-computer …, 2023 - Springer
With a series of major breakthroughs in AI technology, the use of AI generated content
(AIGC) has become one of the most popular research topics. Social media marketing has …
(AIGC) has become one of the most popular research topics. Social media marketing has …
Membangun keterlibatan konsumen melalui strategi konten marketing dalam live streaming: Analisis kualitatif terhadap brand yang berhasil di Shopee
RN Aulia, B Harto - Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 2024 - j-innovative.org
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah mempengaruhi strategi
pemasaran digital, khususnya melalui pemanfaatan live streaming di platform e-commerce …
pemasaran digital, khususnya melalui pemanfaatan live streaming di platform e-commerce …
Effectiveness of digital marketing and its value in new ventures
R Tarazona-Montoya, C Devece… - International …, 2024 - Springer
This paper analyzes the effect of digital marketing and cluster membership on the
entrepreneurship and performance of dental clinics in Colombia. The use of different digital …
entrepreneurship and performance of dental clinics in Colombia. The use of different digital …
The organic marketing nexus: The effect of unpaid marketing practices on consumer engagement
Designing a digital marketing strategy that stimulates consumer engagement is vital and
challenging for digital marketers. Despite previous research on this topic, little is known …
challenging for digital marketers. Despite previous research on this topic, little is known …
Characteristics determining customer's preferences for OTT video streaming: A multivariate analysis
The video streaming over-the-top (OTT) services, provided by both domestic and
international companies such as Amazon Prime and Netflix, have created a significant …
international companies such as Amazon Prime and Netflix, have created a significant …
[CARTE][B] Buku Ajar Digital Marketing
Buku Ajar Digital Marketing ini sebagai buku panduan komprehensif yang mengulas
pentingnya Digital Marketing dalam proses pemasaran pada saat ini. Buku ini dapat …
pentingnya Digital Marketing dalam proses pemasaran pada saat ini. Buku ini dapat …
The Impact of Digital User Experience on Brand Perception and Consumer Loyalty in the E-Commerce Industry in Indonesia
AD Susilawati, F Wahyudi… - The Eastasouth …, 2024 - esj.eastasouth-institute.com
This research investigates the impact of digital user experience (DUE) on brand perception
and consumer loyalty within the burgeoning e-commerce industry in Indonesia. Through a …
and consumer loyalty within the burgeoning e-commerce industry in Indonesia. Through a …
Pengaruh Digital Marketing Dan Daya Tarik Wisata Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Di Pantai Botutonuo
S Ningrum, MAS Monoarfa… - JAMBURA: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023 - ejurnal.ung.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Digital Marketing Dan Daya Tarik
Wisata Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Di Pantai Botutonuo. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini …
Wisata Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Di Pantai Botutonuo. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini …
Online reviews and brand reputation management in the digital landscape: exploring moderating role of product type
This study aims to examine the relationships between various factors, such as review
quality, source reliability, response speed, social media engagement, and brand reputation …
quality, source reliability, response speed, social media engagement, and brand reputation …