Quantum-inspired gravitational search algorithm-based low-price binary task offloading for multi-users in unmanned aerial vehicle-assisted edge computing systems
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)-assisted edge computing (EC) brings computing
resources closer to smart mobile devices (SMDs). Users of SMDs with limited resources can …
resources closer to smart mobile devices (SMDs). Users of SMDs with limited resources can …
Energy-efficient task offloading and efficient resource allocation for edge computing: a quantum inspired particle swarm optimization approach
Efficient processing of workflow applications (WAs) is crucial in edge computing
environments to enhance efficiency, flexibility, collaboration, and cost savings. Workflow …
environments to enhance efficiency, flexibility, collaboration, and cost savings. Workflow …
DQN-based Multi-user Multi-task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing
The proliferation of complex applications has resulted in a significant increase in energy-
intensive apps, exerting substantial pressure on device battery life. Mobile Edge Computing …
intensive apps, exerting substantial pressure on device battery life. Mobile Edge Computing …
Quantum-Inspired Differential Evolution Based Efficient IoT Service Placement in Edge Networks
The rise in Internet of Things (IoT) devices has led to the creation of sophisticated
applications that demand various resources in real time to support a wide range of IoT …
applications that demand various resources in real time to support a wide range of IoT …
Particle Swarm Optimization for Latency-aware Multi-user Task Offloading in Resource-constrained Fog-cloud Framework
With the proliferation of 5G/B5G networks, there has been a tremendous strain on fog-cloud
systems to allocate resources efficiently and reduce the total completion time of tasks. This …
systems to allocate resources efficiently and reduce the total completion time of tasks. This …
[PDF][PDF] Matthew Paul Salcido
EE Tsiropoulou - 2024 - digitalrepository.unm.edu
Multi-provider multi-user multi-access edge computing provides a recent marketdriven
networking paradigm facilitating the user data offloading process. In this thesis, we introduce …
networking paradigm facilitating the user data offloading process. In this thesis, we introduce …