[ספר][B] Marine biofouling: colonization processes and defenses
AI Railkin - 2003 - taylorfrancis.com
Recent instances of bioinvasion, such as the emergence of the zebra mussel in the
American Great Lakes, generated a demand among marine biologists and ecologists for …
American Great Lakes, generated a demand among marine biologists and ecologists for …
Determination of fish trophic levels in an estuarine system
The concept of trophic level is particularly relevant in order to improve knowledge of the
structure and the functioning of an ecosystem. A precise estimation of fish trophic levels …
structure and the functioning of an ecosystem. A precise estimation of fish trophic levels …
Pre-and post-settlement events in benthic community dynamics
In all marine benthic environments, organism replacement depends on recruitment
limitation, ie the impact of both pre-and post-settlement events on the success of recruitment …
limitation, ie the impact of both pre-and post-settlement events on the success of recruitment …
Paradigm shifts in community ecology: Open versus closed units, challenges and limits of connectivity studies
Due to the presence of the complex life cycles involving a benthic adult and a pelagic larval
phase, the study of benthic community dynamics cannot ignore investigations of the …
phase, the study of benthic community dynamics cannot ignore investigations of the …
Species richness of benthic macrofauna in Danish estuaries and coastal areas
AB Josefson, JLS Hansen - Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Cross‐system comparisons of species richness of benthic macrofauna and
environmental factors were made of estuaries and adjacent sea areas in order to reveal …
environmental factors were made of estuaries and adjacent sea areas in order to reveal …
A modelling study of the respective role of hydrodynamic processes and larval mortality on larval dispersal and recruitment of benthic invertebrates: example of …
The dispersal of Pectinaria koreni larvae released from the eastern Bay of Seine (English
Channel) was studied using a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model which integrates tides …
Channel) was studied using a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model which integrates tides …
Seasonal variability of infaunal community structures in three areas of the North Sea under different environmental conditions
Infaunal communities were studied on a monthly scale from September 2000 until May 2002
in order to investigate their seasonal variability in different areas of the North Sea: the …
in order to investigate their seasonal variability in different areas of the North Sea: the …
Biodiversity links above and below the marine sediment–water interface that may influence community stability
Linkages across the sediment–water interface (SWI) between biodiversity and community
stability appear to exist but are very poorly studied. Processes by which changes in …
stability appear to exist but are very poorly studied. Processes by which changes in …
Spatial structure of a subtidal macrobenthic community in the Bay of Veys (western Bay of Seine, English Channel)
The spatial distribution of the muddy fine sand community from the Bay of Veys (western
English Channel) were investigated during spring and autumn 1997. A grid of 55 and 54 …
English Channel) were investigated during spring and autumn 1997. A grid of 55 and 54 …
Пространственно-временная изменчивость размерного состава и особенности эксплуатации популяций промысловых беспозвоночных прибрежной зоны
А Буяновский - Труды ВНИРО, 2005 - cyberleninka.ru
На примере анализа разномасштабного распределения промысловых объектов
(мидии, морские ежи, гребенчатая креветка, волосатый краб) предлагается типизация …
(мидии, морские ежи, гребенчатая креветка, волосатый краб) предлагается типизация …