Confining enzymes in porous organic frameworks: from synthetic strategy and characterization to healthcare applications
S Huang, G Chen, G Ouyang - Chemical Society Reviews, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Enzymes are a class of natural catalysts with high efficiency, specificity, and selectivity
unmatched by their synthetic counterparts and dictate a myriad of reactions that constitute …
unmatched by their synthetic counterparts and dictate a myriad of reactions that constitute …
DNA origami
Biological materials are self-assembled with near-atomic precision in living cells, whereas
synthetic 3D structures generally lack such precision and controllability. Recently, DNA …
synthetic 3D structures generally lack such precision and controllability. Recently, DNA …
Hierarchically encapsulating enzymes with multi-shelled metal-organic frameworks for tandem biocatalytic reactions
Biocatalytic transformations in living organisms, such as multi-enzyme catalytic cascades,
proceed in different cellular membrane-compartmentalized organelles with high efficiency …
proceed in different cellular membrane-compartmentalized organelles with high efficiency …
Biocatalytic cascades driven by enzymes encapsulated in metal–organic framework nanoparticles
Biocatalytic transformations in cells, such as enzyme cascades, involve complex networks
proceeding in spatially confined microenvironments. Here, inspired by nature, we …
proceeding in spatially confined microenvironments. Here, inspired by nature, we …
DNA origami: scaffolds for creating higher order structures
DNA has become one of the most extensively used molecular building blocks for
engineering self-assembling materials. DNA origami is a technique that uses hundreds of …
engineering self-assembling materials. DNA origami is a technique that uses hundreds of …
Chemistries for DNA nanotechnology
M Madsen, KV Gothelf - Chemical reviews, 2019 - ACS Publications
The predictable nature of DNA interactions enables the programmable assembly of highly
advanced 2D and 3D DNA structures of nanoscale dimensions. The access to ever larger …
advanced 2D and 3D DNA structures of nanoscale dimensions. The access to ever larger …
Data storage using DNA
The exponential growth of global data has outpaced the storage capacities of current
technologies, necessitating innovative storage strategies. DNA, as a natural medium for …
technologies, necessitating innovative storage strategies. DNA, as a natural medium for …
Recent progress in multienzymes co-immobilization and multienzyme system applications
S Ren, C Li, X Jiao, S Jia, Y Jiang, M Bilal… - Chemical Engineering …, 2019 - Elsevier
Enzyme catalysis has been attracting increasing interest in the past twenty years.
Nevertheless, most reports concerning enzyme catalysis have been carried out using single …
Nevertheless, most reports concerning enzyme catalysis have been carried out using single …
DNA origami nanostructures can exhibit preferential renal uptake and alleviate acute kidney injury
Patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) frequently require kidney transplantation and
supportive therapies, such as rehydration and dialysis. Here, we show that radiolabelled …
supportive therapies, such as rehydration and dialysis. Here, we show that radiolabelled …
Solvent-assisted self-assembly of a metal–organic framework based biocatalyst for cascade reaction driven photodynamic therapy
Biocatalytic reactions in living cells involve complex transformations in the spatially confined
microenvironments. Inspired by biological transformation processes, we demonstrate …
microenvironments. Inspired by biological transformation processes, we demonstrate …