LDRM: Degradation Rectify Model for Low-light Imaging via Color-Monochrome Cameras
Low-light imaging task aims to approximate low-light scenes as perceived by human eyes.
Existing methods usually pursue higher brightness, resulting in unrealistic exposure …
Existing methods usually pursue higher brightness, resulting in unrealistic exposure …
Degradation-agnostic correspondence from resolution-asymmetric stereo
In this paper, we study the problem of stereo matching from a pair of images with different
resolutions, eg, those acquired with a tele-wide camera system. Due to the difficulty of …
resolutions, eg, those acquired with a tele-wide camera system. Due to the difficulty of …
Asymmetric color transfer with consistent modality learning
The mono-color dual-lens system widely exists in the smartphone that captures asymmetric
stereo image pairs, including high-resolution (HR) monochrome images and low-resolution …
stereo image pairs, including high-resolution (HR) monochrome images and low-resolution …