Dietary relationships among coexisting anuran amphibians: a worldwide quantitative review
L Vignoli, L Luiselli - Oecologia, 2012 - Springer
Anuran amphibians have traditionally been considered suitable model organisms for
community ecology studies. In this paper, we review and quantitatively re-analyze the …
community ecology studies. In this paper, we review and quantitatively re-analyze the …
The anurofauna of a vanishing savanna: the case of the Brazilian Cerrado
The second largest biome in Brazil, the Cerrado has been transformed into a highly
mechanized and intensive agricultural area, with little public opposition. The native …
mechanized and intensive agricultural area, with little public opposition. The native …
[PDF][PDF] Feeding ecology of Crossodactylus schmidti(Anura: Hylodidae) in southern Brazil
VM Caldart, S Iop, TRN Bertaso, SZ Cechin - Zoological studies, 2012 -
Feeding ecology of Crossodactylus schmidti (Anura: Hylodidae) in southern Brazil.
Zoological Studies 51 (4): 484-493. The diet of the frog Crossodactylus schmidti was studied …
Zoological Studies 51 (4): 484-493. The diet of the frog Crossodactylus schmidti was studied …
Spatial and trophic structure of anuran assemblages in environments with different seasonal regimes in the Brazilian Northeast Region
FLS Caldas, AA Garda, LBQ Cavalcanti… - Copeia, 2019 -
We investigated the roles of ecological and historical factors on the phylogenetic structure
and spatial and trophic niches of anurans in Caatinga and Atlantic Forest in the Brazilian …
and spatial and trophic niches of anurans in Caatinga and Atlantic Forest in the Brazilian …
[HTML][HTML] Diet and resource partitioning among anurans in irrigated rice fields in Pantanal, Brazil
Artificial ponds or irrigated systems scattered throughout farmlands can offer important
habitats for anurans and can be interesting sites for research on species resources use in a …
habitats for anurans and can be interesting sites for research on species resources use in a …
[PDF][PDF] Trophic ecology of Boana albomarginata and Boana pombali (Anura: Hylidae) during the dry season in the Serra de Itabaiana National Park, Northeast Brazil.
GS Tupy, G de Souza CARDOSO… - … -Western Journal of …, 2021 -
Accepted: 06 April 2021/Available online: 10 December 2021/Printed: December 2021
Abstract. Phylogenetically close species are expected to exhibit similar characteristics …
Abstract. Phylogenetically close species are expected to exhibit similar characteristics …
Underestimation of extinction threat to stream-dwelling amphibians due to lack of consideration of narrow area of occupancy
M Almeida-Gomes, ML Lorini, CFD Rocha… - Conservation Biology, 2014 - JSTOR
Researchers worldwide have reported several amphibian species declines in the last 30
years, most of them in Latin America (eg, Garcia-Rodrfguez et al. 2012) and Australia (eg …
years, most of them in Latin America (eg, Garcia-Rodrfguez et al. 2012) and Australia (eg …
Patterns of spatial distribution and microhabitat use by syntopic anuran species along permanent lotic ecosystems in the Cerrado of southeastern Brazil
FFR de Oliveira, PC Eterovick - Herpetologica, 2010 -
We conducted a 12-month survey of anuran assemblages in two permanent lotic
ecosystems (Preto and Boleiras rivers) and their adjacent habitats within the Cerrado biome …
ecosystems (Preto and Boleiras rivers) and their adjacent habitats within the Cerrado biome …
Trophic ecology of two Pithecopus species (Anura: Phyllomedusidae) living in syntopy in southern Bahia, Brazil
To coexist, two species should use available resources in different ways. These differences
may happen in three different dimensions: temporal, spatial and trophic. In frogs, differences …
may happen in three different dimensions: temporal, spatial and trophic. In frogs, differences …
Feeding ecology of Thoropa miliaris (Anura, Cycloramphidae) in four areas of Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil
We analyzed the feeding ecology of four Thoropa miliaris (Anura, Cycloramphidae)
populations from the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil. The diet was composed mostly of …
populations from the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil. The diet was composed mostly of …