The ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of pinyon and juniper woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau of the western United …
RF Miller, JC Chambers, L Evers… - Gen. Tech. Rep …, 2019 -
This synthesis reviews current knowledge of pinyon and juniper ecosystems, in both
persistent and newly expanded woodlands, for managers, researchers, and the interested …
persistent and newly expanded woodlands, for managers, researchers, and the interested …
Historical pyrogeography of Texas, USA
MC Stambaugh, JC Sparks, ER Abadir - Fire Ecology, 2014 - Springer
Synthesis of multiple sources of fire history information increases the power and reliability of
fire regime characterization. Fire regime characterization is critical for assessing fire risk …
fire regime characterization. Fire regime characterization is critical for assessing fire risk …
Wildfire risk and hazardous fuel reduction treatments along the US-Mexico border: a review of the science (1986-2019)
KM Laushman, SM Munson… - Air, Soil and Water …, 2020 -
The ecosystems along the border between the United States and Mexico are at increasing
risk to wildfire due to interactions among climate, land-use, and fuel loads. A wide range of …
risk to wildfire due to interactions among climate, land-use, and fuel loads. A wide range of …
Environmental controls on the characteristics of mean number of forest fires and mean forest area burned (1987–2007) in China
Y Chang, Z Zhu, R Bu, Y Li, Y Hu - Forest Ecology and Management, 2015 - Elsevier
Fire size and fire frequency are important indicators of fire characteristics. Characterizing fire
size and fire frequency and understanding its environmental controls are indispensable to …
size and fire frequency and understanding its environmental controls are indispensable to …
Fire regime shift linked to increased forest density in a piñon–juniper savanna landscape
EQ Margolis - International journal of wildland fire, 2014 - CSIRO Publishing
Piñon–juniper (PJ) fire regimes are generally characterised as infrequent high-severity.
However, PJ ecosystems vary across a large geographic and bio-climatic range and little is …
However, PJ ecosystems vary across a large geographic and bio-climatic range and little is …
Oak bark allometry and fire survival strategies in the Chihuahuan Desert Sky Islands, Texas, USA
Trees may survive fire through persistence of above or below ground structures. Investment
in bark aids in above-ground survival while investment in carbohydrate storage aids in …
in bark aids in above-ground survival while investment in carbohydrate storage aids in …
[PDF][PDF] The Chihuahuan Desert: a binational conservation response to protect a global treasure
Abstract Occupying over 140,000 km2 (54,000 mi2), the Chihuahuan Desert is the second
largest desert in North America and includes much of the Mexican states of Chihuahua …
largest desert in North America and includes much of the Mexican states of Chihuahua …
Controls on spatial patterns of wildfire severity and early post-fire vegetation development in an Arizona Sky Island, USA
AH Taylor, HM Poulos, J Kluber, R Issacs… - Landscape …, 2021 - Springer
Context Spatial patterns of vegetation change and fire severity are influenced by fire
exclusion, topography and weather conditions during a fire. Since the late nineteenth …
exclusion, topography and weather conditions during a fire. Since the late nineteenth …
Mixed-severity wildfire as a driver of vegetation change in an Arizona Madrean Sky Island System, USA
Fire is a powerful natural disturbance influencing vegetation patterns across landscapes.
Recent transitions from mixed-species forests to post-fire shrublands after severe wildfire is …
Recent transitions from mixed-species forests to post-fire shrublands after severe wildfire is …
Rickettsia parkeri (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) in the Sky Islands of West Texas
CD Paddock, JA Hecht, AN Green… - Journal of Medical …, 2020 -
Rickettsia parkeri, a tick-borne pathogen distributed throughout several countries of the
Americas, causes a mild to moderately severe, eschar-associated spotted fever rickettsiosis …
Americas, causes a mild to moderately severe, eschar-associated spotted fever rickettsiosis …