Terrestrial insects along elevation gradients: species and community responses to altitude
ID Hodkinson - Biological reviews, 2005 - cambridge.org
The literature on the response of insect species to the changing environments experienced
along altitudinal gradients is diverse and widely dispersed. There is a growing awareness …
along altitudinal gradients is diverse and widely dispersed. There is a growing awareness …
Compositional changes in bee and wasp communities along Neotropical mountain altitudinal gradient
Climate conditions tend to differ along an altitudinal gradient, resulting in some species
groups' patterns of lower species richness with increasing altitude. While this pattern is well …
groups' patterns of lower species richness with increasing altitude. While this pattern is well …
Comunidades de insetos galhadores (Insecta) em diferentes fisionomias do cerrado em Minas Gerais, Brasil
SJ Gonçalves-Alvim, GW Fernandes - Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 2001 - SciELO Brasil
Studies on the communities of galling insects and their host plants were performed in three"
cerrado" physiognomies that occur in Minas Gerais:" campo sujo"," cerrado" sensu strictu …
cerrado" physiognomies that occur in Minas Gerais:" campo sujo"," cerrado" sensu strictu …
Floral resource availability declines and florivory increases along an elevation gradient in a highly biodiverse community
Abstract Background and Aims Flower–visitor interactions comprise a continuum of
behaviours, from mutualistic partners to antagonistic visitors. Despite being relatively …
behaviours, from mutualistic partners to antagonistic visitors. Despite being relatively …
Bird species distribution and conservation in Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil
TA Melo-Junior, MF de Vasconcelos… - Bird Conservation …, 2001 - cambridge.org
We studied the distribution of birds along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 800 m to 1,400
m on two slopes of the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Ornithological …
m on two slopes of the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Ornithological …
Ecological interactions among insect herbivores, ants and the host plant Baccharis dracunculifolia in a Brazilian mountain ecosystem
GF Monteiro, LE Macedo‐Reis, W Dattilo… - Austral …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Insect–plant interactions occur in several ways and have considerable environmental and
ecological importance. Many feeding strategies have evolved among herbivorous insects …
ecological importance. Many feeding strategies have evolved among herbivorous insects …
Effects of Genetic Variability and Habitat of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae) on Herbivory by Free-feeding and Gall-forming Insects
SJ Goncalves-Alvim, RG Collevatti… - Annals of …, 2004 - academic.oup.com
Background and Aims Differences in the chemical and physical traits of plants caused by
both genetic and habitat characteristics may influence attack by herbivores. Leaves of …
both genetic and habitat characteristics may influence attack by herbivores. Leaves of …
Distribution patterns of orchid bees in xeric and mesic habitats on a tropical mountaintop
CD De Freitas, S Novais… - Insect Conservation …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Most studies evaluating insect communities along climatic gradients in mountain regions
have overlooked the relevance of the contrasting effects of xeric and mesic habitats on …
have overlooked the relevance of the contrasting effects of xeric and mesic habitats on …
Conserving the invisible common: advances and challenges of the insect conservation in Brazil
CAS Souza, IRS Cordeiro, OM Magalhães… - Brazilian Archives of …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Abstract In 2019, B. Jarvis paraphrased E. Wilson in that “insects are a case study in terms of
the invisible importance of the common”. However, threats to insect diversity are rapidly …
the invisible importance of the common”. However, threats to insect diversity are rapidly …
Quality of basic data and method to identify shape affect richness–altitude relationships in meta‐analysis
We compiled 109 species richness–altitude (SRA) relationships in arthropods to test the
hypothesis that identification of shape and robustness of pattern are contingent on the …
hypothesis that identification of shape and robustness of pattern are contingent on the …